ant-design-charts copied to clipboard
🐛 bug 描述 [老项目中有antv的组件]
📷 复现步骤 [编译]
🏞 期望结果 [描述你原本期望看到的结果]
💻 复现代码 [
TS2322: Type '{ customItems: (items: any) => any; }' is not assignable to type 'Tooltip'.
Type '{ showTitle: true; customContent: (title: string, items: any[]) => string; }' is not assignable to type 'Tooltip'.
Type '{ domStyles: { 'g2-tooltip': { width: string; }; }; showTitle: true; enterable: true; showCrosshairs: false; fields: string[]; showMarkers: true; marker: { r: number; fill: string; fillOpacity: number; stroke: string; lineWidth: number; shadowColor: string; shadowBlur: number; }; customContent: (title: string, items...' is not assignable to type 'Tooltip'.
TS2322: Type '{ customItems: (items: any) => any; }' is not assignable to type 'Tooltip'. ]
© 版本信息
ant-design/charts 1.4.2
- ant-design-charts 版本: [e.g. 0.9.0]
- 浏览器环境
- 开发环境 [e.g. mac OS]
🚑 其他信息 [如截图等其他信息可以贴在这里]
配置提供一下,最近有更新 tooltip 类型, const config ={xx} as any