ansible-lint copied to clipboard
Cannot skip load-failure false positives when using import_playbook
The linter will not skip load-failure
checks for imported collection playbooks, regardless of any ignore rules added.
does not work. Nor does in-line ignores, but adding to warn_list
allows the tests to at least complete.
Offending code:
- name: "Import collection playbook"
import_playbook: my.collection.my_playbook # noqa load-failure
- name: "Import collection playbook"
import_playbook: my.collection.my_playbook
- "skip_ansible_lint"
or adding to global ignore in .ansible-lint
- load-failure
All 3 of the above result in this failure:
load-failure: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '<<truncated>>/my.collection.my_playbook' (filenotfounderror)
Additional bug notes:
- The playbook imports and executes fine during execution (even though the skip should skip even if it didn't work).
- The collection exists and is in the appropriate collection path defined in Ansible config
(even though the skip should skip even if it was a bad path). - I've also tried adding to
with no success.
Issue Type
- Bug Report
Ansible and Ansible Lint details
>> ansible-lint --version
ansible-lint 5.4.0 using ansible 2.11.7
>> ansible --version
ansible [core 2.11.7]
config file = <<truncated>>/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['<<truncated>>/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = <<truncated>>/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /collections
executable location = <<truncated>>/.venv/bin/ansible
python version = 3.10.6 (main, Aug 30 2022, 04:58:11) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)]
jinja version = 3.0.3
libyaml = True
- ansible installation method: pip
- ansible-lint installation method: pip
- MacOS 11.6
- Python 3.10.6
- Ansible and Ansible-lint versions noted above
- Attempt to ignore
checks onimport_playbook
actions when importing a collection playbook.
Desired Behavior
ansible-lint should skip load-failure
checks for imported collection playbooks when skipping using the documented ignore methods
Actual Behavior
ansible-lint does not skip load-failure
checks for imported collection playbooks when skipping using the documented ignore methods
I've tried the same scenario on a newer version of Ansible and Ansible-lint. My company does not yet use Ansible 2.12 yet so I'm stuck on ansible-lint v5 until the project is upgraded.
However, I tried it for troubleshooting with ansible-lint 6.6.1
using ansible 2.13.4
and the error has changed in this version, but the issue persists.
internal-error: Unexpected error code 1 from execution of: ansible-playbook --syntax-check -i localhost, playbooks/test.yaml
playbooks/test.yaml:1 ERROR! Unable to retrieve file contents
Could not find or access '<<truncated>>/playbooks/my.collection.my_playbook' on the Ansible Controller.
If you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option
Even with this newest version and the different error, the problem still persists. Error still throws even with ignore rule for internal-error
in place, so the version update didn't seem to resolve the underlying problem.
@mdebord-dlr I do want to fix this bug but I am having a hard time making ansible itself find playbooks inside a collection. If you can find me a collection that I can install and later execute a playbook using the documented syntax ansible-playbook namespaace.colname.playbasename -i localhost
it would be awesome!
Whatever I do I still get ERROR! the playbook: a.b.c could not be found
, like ansible would never even attempt to look for a play from inside a collection.
I am currently using the 2.14 beta, but I doubt that one has different behavior than last release.
@ssbarnea Sure thing! I created an ultra-simple demo collection here:
Here is a simple demo project that utilizes the collection in the exact same way my real project does: From this project, I can successfully run ansible-playbook -i localhost
as you had requested (after the collection is installed of course)
I tested with latest version 6.8.0b2 and linter validated the repository without problems. Just to be sure I modified the import_playbook name to make it invalid and run the linter again, this time it failed at syntax check:
syntax-check: Unable to retrieve file contents (syntax-check[missing-file])
playbooks/test-playbook.yml:1:1 Could not find or access '/Users/ssbarnea/c/a/3rd/use-ansible-collection/playbooks/demo_namespace.demo_collection.foo222' on the Ansible Controller.
So I am closing this as fixed. I guess it was fixed by another bugfix between these two versions.