pytest-molecule icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pytest-molecule copied to clipboard

Please switch to pytest-ansible

=============== Notice

The functionality provided by this plugin has been merged into the pytest-ansible_ plugin.

Please switch to pytest-ansible for future updates.

=============== pytest-molecule

.. image:: :target: :alt: PyPI version

.. image:: :target: :alt: Python versions

.. image:: :target: :alt: See Build Status on Zuul CI

.. image:: :target: :alt: Python Black Code Style

PyTest Molecule Plugin :: auto detects and runs molecule tests

This plugin enables pytest discovery of all molecule.yml files inside the codebase and runs them as pytest tests.

Once you install pytest-molecule you should be able to just run pytest in order to run molecule on all roles and scenarios.

Optionally you can define MOLECULE_OPTS for passing extra parameters to each molecule call.

Discovered tests do have molecule driver and platforms added as markers_, so you can selectively limit which test types to run:

.. code-block:: shell

# Lists all tests that uses docker
$ pytest --collect-only -m docker

# Runs scenarios with platform named centos7 and delegated driver:
$ pytest -m delegated -m centos7

If the molecule scenario does not contain information about the driver, the test associated with it gets a no_driver mark.

Please note that at this moment molecule will run the entire scenario if the markers are platforms, this is not yet a way to limit which platforms are executed inside a specific scenario.

All tests are added the molecule marker.

This plugin also adds a new pytest option named --molecule-unavailable-driver=skip which can be used to tell it what to do when molecule drivers are not loading. Current default is None but you can choose marks like skip or xfail.

The plugin adds --skip-no-git-change option which an be used to skip tests on unchanged roles according to git diff result and thus can only be used only when running pytest inside a git repository. It takes one argument and old refspec used as a reference. For instance calling: pytest --skip-no-git-change HEAD^ will result in molecule of roles that weren't changed in the last commit being skipped.

Using xfail and skip markers

If you need to skip or ignore a particular scenario, just add either xfail or skip to markers list inside its config file.

.. code-block:: yaml

  - xfail  # broken scenario, pytest will run it but ignore the result


You can install "pytest-molecule" via pip_ from PyPI_:

.. code-block:: shell

$ PIP_NO_BUILD_ISOLATION=false pip install pytest-molecule

PIP_NO_BUILD_ISOLATION is needed only on ancient python distributions to workaround


Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with tox_, please ensure the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT_ license, "pytest-molecule" is free and open source software


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue_ along with a detailed description.

.. _MIT: .. _file an issue: .. _pytest: .. _tox: .. _pip: .. _PyPI: .. _markers: .. _pytest-ansible: