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Collections overview, how to request a namespace

Results 34 overview issues
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##### SUMMARY The current process to identify and remove an unmaintained collection looks very much focused on _abandoned_ collections. But I think we should have a way to remove a...

##### SUMMARY Right now, the rules state that *"[a]ll other code must be under the GPL-3.0-or-later"*. From the explanation it is clear that this sentence is about all other code...

Hello, I looked around in discussions and issues but saw no other posts regarding the ask that repository owners be able to create projects of their own. When I go...

Added link to RFC2119 to describe use of MUST and SHOULD etc as per feedback from community WG meeting. ##### SUMMARY ##### ISSUE TYPE - Docs Pull Request ##### COMPONENT...

##### SUMMARY We forgot to mention that the requirements requires to have unit or integration tests https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/blob/main/collection_requirements.rst#requirements-for-collections-to-be-included-in-the-ansible-package

`ansible-galaxy collection build` has support for an ignore list to prevent files ending up in the built tarball. Although ideally Collection builds should be happening in a sandbox (CI) their...

help wanted

Yep, this has been a useful tool and people rely upon it.


(This idea really belongs to @gundalow - I'm just logging it while I think :P) So HomeAssistant does a fairly nice thing - on any "integration" page (eg https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/esphome/) you'll...

##### SUMMARY It's hopefully easier to track what improvements to the documentation are needed if we break it down by who, then secondly what. Once we have an understanding of...

help wanted

Every Collection Repo is it's own (mini) Community. Some of these Collection Repos are managed by individuals or Partners that maybe new to helping building and maintaining Open Source Communities,...