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[Bug] [zos_script] Module does not support multiple command line args

Open ketankelkar opened this issue 6 months ago • 1 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • [X] There are no existing issues.

Bug description

The module has a feature which allows for args to be submitted in-line which currently does not read/parse more than the FIRST arg.

- name: Run REXX script to get a job's information.
    cmd: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/JOB_INFO JOBID=JOB00114 OWNER=OMVSADM JOBNAME=HELLO"
    remote_src: false

However, the 2nd and 3rd args (OWNER and JOBNAME) are not successfully parsed, see partial extracts of the verbosity output:

changed: [zos_host] => {
    "changed": true,
    "cmd": "/Users/ketan/dev/z_ansible_collections_samples/zos_concepts/zos_script/files/JOB_INFO JOBID=JOB00114 OWNER=OMVSADM JOBNAME=HELLO",
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "chdir": null,
            "cmd": "/.ansible/tmp/zos_script.mipsomgr.JOB_INFO JOBID=JOB00114",     <------- missing OWNER/JOBNAME
            "creates": null,
            "executable": null,
            "remote_src": false,
            "removes": null,
            "template_parameters": null,
            "use_template": false
    "rc": 0,
    "remote_cmd": "/.ansible/tmp/zos_script.mipsomgr.JOB_INFO JOBID=JOB00114",     <------- missing OWNER/JOBNAME
    "stderr": "",

Notice the discrepancy between cmd outside the invocation dict and cmd and remote_cmd inside the invocation dict, the two value inside the invocation dict are missing the OWNER and JOBNAME args which were passed in from the playbook.

IBM z/OS Ansible core Version


IBM Z Open Automation Utilities


IBM Enterprise Python

v3.11.x (default)


v2.16.x (default)

z/OS version

v2.5 (default)

Ansible module


Playbook verbosity output.

The above was recreated from running the sample playbook on the samples repo

First I submitted a job,

  • vim hello.jcl
  • copy/paste contents of HELLO.JCL
  • Use USS command submit hello.jcl to submit the jcl, job number gets printed to command line,
    • # submit hello.jcl
      JOB JOB00114 submitted from path 'hello.jcl'
  • then use jls | grep <job_number> to get the remaining job details (owner is OMVSADM, jobname is HELLO)
    • # jls | grep 'JOB00114'
      OMVSADM  HELLO    JOB00114 CC        0000 

Then I ran the first task in the sample playbook and substitute in the values for JOBID, OWNER, and JOBNAME

Expected output from the recreate is:

changed: [zos_host] => {
    "changed": true,
    "cmd": "/Users/ketan/dev/z_ansible_collections_samples/zos_concepts/zos_script/files/JOB_INFO JOBID=JOB00114 OWNER=OMVSADM JOBNAME=HELLO",
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "chdir": null,
            "cmd": "/.ansible/tmp/zos_script.mipsomgr.JOB_INFO JOBID=JOB00114",
            "creates": null,
            "executable": null,
            "remote_src": false,
            "removes": null,
            "template_parameters": null,
            "use_template": false
    "rc": 0,
    "remote_cmd": "/.ansible/tmp/zos_script.mipsomgr.JOB_INFO JOBID=JOB00114",
    "stderr": "",
    "stderr_lines": [
    "stdout": "-----START OF JOB-----\nposition:1\njob_id:JOB00114..JOBID.1\njob_name:HELLO\nsubsystem:STL1\nsystem:\nowner:OMVSADM\nret_code_msg:CC 0000\nclass:A\ncontent_type:JOB\n-----END OF JOB-----\n",
    "stdout_lines": [
        "-----START OF JOB-----",
        "ret_code_msg:CC 0000",
        "-----END OF JOB-----",
    "tempfile_path": "/.ansible/tmp/zos_script.mipsomgr.JOB_INFO"

Ansible configuration.

No response

Contents of the inventory

No response

Contents of group_vars or host_vars

No response

ketankelkar avatar Aug 26 '24 22:08 ketankelkar