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win_domain_user module fails due to Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership (The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated)

Open jsalatiel opened this issue 3 years ago • 10 comments


When attempting to create a new user with the win_domain_user module the Powershell cmdlet Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership fails with "The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated"

  • Bug Report


  ansible 2.9.11
  config file = None
  configured module search path = [u'/home/user/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
  python version = 2.7.17 (default, Apr 15 2020, 17:20:14) [GCC 7.5.0]



Target OS Windows Server 2016 DataCenter

          name: bob
          domain_server: dc01
          password: B0bP4ssw0rd
          state: present
          path: ou=USERS,ou=TESTDOMAIN,dc=SANDBOX,dc=LAB
            - Domain Admins


User is created successfully and module completes successfully.


User is created, but is not added to the group, and task returns FAILED status.

The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated
At line:280 char:29
+ ... ($group in (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $username @extra ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (bob:ADPrincipal) [Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership], ADException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryServer:1244,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADPrincipalGroupMembership

at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 280

Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADException: The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[]: Active Directory returned an error processing the operation.

Server stack trace: 
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)

Exception rethrown at [0]: 
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
   at request)
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.AdwsConnection.GetADPrincipalGroupMembership(GetADPrincipalGroupMembershipRequest request)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.AdwsConnection.ThrowExceptionForExtendedError(String extendedErrorMessage, Exception innerException)
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.AdwsConnection.ThrowExceptionForErrorCode(String message, String errorCode, String extendedErrorMessage, Exception innerException)
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.AdwsConnection.ThrowException(CustomActionFault caFault, FaultException faultException)
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.AdwsConnection.GetADPrincipalGroupMembership(GetADPrincipalGroupMembershipRequest request)
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADWebServiceStoreAccess.Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.IADAccountManagement.GetADPrincipalGroupMembership(ADSessionHandle handle, GetADPrincipalGroupMembershipRequest request)
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADAccountManagement.GetPrincipalGroupMembership(String partitionDN, String principalDN, String resourceContextServer, String resourceContextPartition)
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADPrincipalGroupMembership.GetGroupMembershipProcessCSRoutine()
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.CmdletSubroutinePipeline.Invoke()
   at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.ADCmdletBase`1.ProcessRecord()
fatal: [obfuscated]: FAILED! => {
    "changed": false, 
    "msg": "Unhandled exception while executing module: The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated"

jsalatiel avatar Sep 15 '20 13:09 jsalatiel

The code in this collection is set to warn on a failure instead of actually fail It doesn't fix the underlying problem but at least allows the module to continue running.

jborean93 avatar Sep 15 '20 19:09 jborean93

Hi, Which ansible version provides that module version ?

jsalatiel avatar Sep 16 '20 11:09 jsalatiel

Ansible 2.10 will be the first one to include this collection.

jborean93 avatar Sep 16 '20 18:09 jborean93

I was able to make the module work as expected by replacing that cmdlet as mentioned on

Function Get-PrincipalGroups {
    Param ($identity, $args_extra)
#        $groups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $identity @args_extra -ErrorAction Stop
        $groups = Get-ADUser -Identity $name @extra_args -Properties memberOf | Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberOf | Get-ADGroup @extra_args
    } catch {
        Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Failed to enumerate user groups but continuing on.: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        return @()

    $result_groups = foreach ($group in $groups) {
    return $result_groups

Maybe not the best approach, but it works.

jsalatiel avatar Sep 18 '20 12:09 jsalatiel

This seems to impact only some of my environments, does anyone know why?

git-cgallagher avatar Jan 14 '21 15:01 git-cgallagher

I have essentially the same problem, but it’s very random and only happens sometimes.

I try to create users in a loop, and whenever I run this, it happens sometimes. But actually quite rarely. But it’s really annoying, since it runs in a pipeline and the thing just randomly fails, and if you rerun it either succeeds or fails randomly at another user.

EDIT: I don’t even map the user to a group. I simply try to add/change them.

janaurka avatar Feb 11 '21 15:02 janaurka

I was able to make the module work as expected by replacing that cmdlet as mentioned on #116

Function Get-PrincipalGroups {
    Param ($identity, $args_extra)
#        $groups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $identity @args_extra -ErrorAction Stop
        $groups = Get-ADUser -Identity $name @extra_args -Properties memberOf | Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberOf | Get-ADGroup @extra_args
    } catch {
        Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Failed to enumerate user groups but continuing on.: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        return @()

    $result_groups = foreach ($group in $groups) {
    return $result_groups

Maybe not the best approach, but it works.

@jsalatiel @janaurka i can confirm that the proposed change works. If someone could explain to me why that change works that would be interessting to know because i think we should raise a PR and ask someone to review and preferably merge this upstream asap as i don't want to be manually fixing/working with forked collections on my CICD pipelines

GoozeyX avatar Apr 04 '21 19:04 GoozeyX

I was the customer site where this bug was discovered. It was partly resolved by updating to 1.2.0 which fixed Function Test-Credential {}

This is also to do with an account that has the SAM Name field populated incorrectly. If you do not populate Attributes: field with a SAM name, then the default is created with the same as your object name in AD. To fix this, here's an example of what I have in my attributes dictionary: - { key: "sAMAccountName",value: "{{ username |default(none) or omit }}" } being passed by the attributes: flag And I also have the identity: flag being populated with the "{{ username }}" so it searches for SAM based on this as well.

Setting sAMAccountName and identity to the username correctly and updating to 1.2.0 fixed this issue for me

tarmael avatar Apr 05 '21 23:04 tarmael

For the record this problem occured for me when I connect this module to a slave Domain Controller, when a connect to the master Domain Controller the problem did not occured.

Will try probably a more recent version (now in a collection) than the one included in the 2.9 version of ansible


lenhof avatar Jun 29 '21 13:06 lenhof

We had the same problem as @lenhof. We use the Directory Service from AWS. In our case the primary and secondary instance changed in the background. After switching the ip address it worked again.

I tried some versions from the windows collection but it did not work.

snakebyte91 avatar Jul 14 '21 05:07 snakebyte91

The win_domain_user module has been deprecated by in favour of See the migration guide for more info on how to change your code to use the newer module.

The module contains the new warning rather than failure behaviour reported here. The same does apply to win_domain_user is newer collection versions.

jborean93 avatar May 29 '23 04:05 jborean93