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Linux deployment from template by Ansible not working. Network in disconnected state.
I have been trying to deploy the linux VM from the below playbook via template and it's deploying fine however it's not connecting to the network, and it stays in the disconnected state. On the VM I see this: - "A start job is running for wait for Network to be configured" and after some time it timed out.
As part of troubleshooting, we tried below but nothing worked. Any suggestion to fix this?
- Tried with Ubuntu and Centos image.
- Upgraded ansible version.
- Tried with perl and curl package
- name: Clone a virtual machine from Linux template and customize community.vmware.vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_ip }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" datacenter: "{{ vcenter_datacenter }}" validate_certs: false state: poweredon folder: template: "{{ vm_templet }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" cluster: "{{ vcenter_cluster }}" networks: - name: start_connected: True connected: True device_type: vmxnet3 ip: netmask: gateway: type: static dns_servers: wait_for_ip_address: true customization: hostname: dns_servers: - - dns_suffix: - timezone: 165 script_text: | #!/bin/bash touch /tmp/touch-from-playbook delegate_to: localhost
Can you try installing vmtools or open-vm-tools on the template.
Do you use distributed vSwitches and normal vSwitches parallel? I noticed problems when there are portgroups with the same name on different switches.
I encounter the same problem. My VM is a Rocky Linux and I already have the VMtools pre-installed in my template.
I tried with and without the options,
connected: true
start_connected: true
I don't have the issue with Windows template. All of my VMs are using the same vSwitch which is a 'distributed vSwitch'
I use the version 4.1.0 of the collection and ansible-core 2.16.3
Thank you for your support.
Hi @mariolenz ,
May I request your help please ?
Thank you!
@FireHelmet Try some simple experiments to determine the scope of the problem:
- Create a VMware Standard Switch on same host (without uplinks), create in this VSS portgroup with simple name (for example "test_pg")
- Run your playbook with task based on community.vmware.vmware_guest module with a specific host, switch and portgroup selected.
If the VM was created from a template and connected to the network, the problem is probably not in the template and, PROBABLY, not in module. To exclude (or confirmation of the problem) the module, it may make sense to create a separate portgroup in your VDS for further testing.
Hello @ihumster ,
Thank you for your quick answer.
I tested what you proposed by doing,
- A new port group named 'test' in a standard vSwitch on one of my host in the same cluster
- Deployed a VM from the same template with the same playbook excepted by adding the key for using the ESXi host where my new port group was created and by adding the name of this new port group (of course)
- The VM has been deployed correctly and assigned to the new port group but the network card is still disconnected,
Please find evidences below,
Please find my playbook I used for the deployment and the result below,
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
connection: local
- name: Deploy new virtual machine from template '${option.vm-tpl}'
hostname: MY_VCENTER
username: MY_USER
password: MY_PASSWORD
datacenter: MY_DC
esxi_hostname: MY_ESX_HOST
folder: /
state: poweredon
name: FROT998
template: TPL-Linux_Rocky_9.3
datastore: DS003
memory_mb: 4096
num_cpus: 2
num_cpu_cores_per_socket: 1
version: 20
- name: test
connected: true
start_connected: true
delegate_to: localhost
Thank you for your support,
@FireHelmet Hmm. Why Checkbox Connected At Powered On
is disabled? Does the template have the same setting? If so, then this is the cause of the error.
I don't know why this checkbox is disabled on the Linux VM, also I don't have the issue with Windows deployment.
No, the VM used as template has the checkbox enabled (I reconverted the template as a VM to show you this setting because this kind of setting can't be changed or looked when the VM is converted as a template),
I found similar issue on vmware forums. Look take on this commentary
Thanks @ihumster ,
I tried to add ethernet0.startConnected = "TRUE"
but the option disappear after reconverting the VM to template even if when I reconvert again to VM the checkbox is still enabled.
Also I'm not using any customization template.
I did a last test by doing a deployment of my template from the vCenter, so by hand...and the checkbox is well enabled so I'm thinking the problem comes from the ansible collection OR pyvmomi
See capture of the deployment by hand of FROT997 below,
What's your opinion ?
Many thanks for your support
@FireHelmet Need to check something else: you can try add no network
section of your playbook allow_guest_control
property and set it to false
- name: test
connected: true
start_connected: true
allow_guest_control: false
@ihumster ,
Still disconnected,
The playbook I used,
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
connection: local
- name: Deploy new virtual machine from template '${option.vm-tpl}'
hostname: MY_VCENTER
username: MY_USER
password: MY_PASSWORD
datacenter: MY_DC
esxi_hostname: MY_ESX_HOST
folder: /
state: poweredon
name: FROT998
template: TPL-Linux_Rocky_9.3
datastore: DS008
memory_mb: 4096
num_cpus: 2
num_cpu_cores_per_socket: 1
version: 20
- name: test
connected: true
start_connected: true
allow_guest_control: false
delegate_to: localhost
Hello @FireHelmet,
can you check if there are events like "customization started" at the deployed vm. (In the UI > Monitor > events). Can you login to the console of the deployed vm and check in /var/log for cloud-init logs that are generated after the cloning.
And as last test can just test this:
- name: SRV-LAN
(remove connected, start_connected, allow_guest_control, when those settings are set it seems like the module does this:
if nic_change_detected:
# Change to fix the issue found while configuring opaque network
# VMs cloned from a template with opaque network will get disconnected
# Replacing deprecated config parameter with relocation Spec
if isinstance(net_obj, vim.OpaqueNetwork):
self.change_detected = True
Maybe that ist related to this issue?
Regards Maximilian
Hello @MaximilianClemens ,
Yes, please see below on a newly created VM from same template and same setting except the name,
Also, no cloud-init log because I don't use customization feature from vSphere,
About the test of - name: SRV-LAN
, I already test and same result, unfortunately.
What's an "opaque network" ?
Thank you for your support too.
Is there anything under Events in the vsphere ui?
I don't know what a opaque network is, but my theory was, that something triggers a customization, even when not wanted and this customization fails. that failure would result in a disconnected adapter.
@MaximilianClemens ,
No, nothing related to "customization" and as I wrote, the issue doesn't appear when I deploy the VM from the same template but manually from the vCenter UI. Also, no issues with Windows templates.
Currently I used a workaround by using a powershell script with PowerCLI running on a Windows host and this ansible playbook
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- name: Connect the Network Interface of '${option.vm-name}'
script: |
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -ParticipateInCEIP $false -Confirm:$false | out-null
Connect-VIServer -Server ${option.vcenter-hostname} -User ${option.vcenter-username} -Password ${option.vcenter-password}
Get-VM ${option.vm-name} | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -StartConnected:$true -Connected:$true -Confirm:$false
Disconnect-VIServer -Server ${option.vcenter-hostname} -Confirm:$false
I use Rundeck on top of Ansible it's the reason why the variables have this format ${}
@MaximilianClemens FYI "Opaque network" is term from NSX-T. Used for portgroups, which creates NSX-T manager on-top N-VDS (on current version NSX-T not used, and exists for compatibility).
@FireHelmet I guess we'll have to dive into some deep debugging. Please deploy a new VM from this template and send here the machine log - vmware.log
from the directory on the datastore (Just post it please on paste.bin for example).
Thanks @ihumster ,
I tried to add
ethernet0.startConnected = "TRUE"
but the option disappear after reconverting the VM to template even if when I reconvert again to VM the checkbox is still enabled.Also I'm not using any customization template.
I did a last test by doing a deployment of my template from the vCenter, so by hand...and the checkbox is well enabled so I'm thinking the problem comes from the ansible collection OR pyvmomi
See capture of the deployment by hand of FROT997 below,
What's your opinion ?
Many thanks for your support
Where did you add this? So I can try it. BTW I managed to have this working by installing cloud-init on the template but our company does not use cloud-init in production so I have to find workaround.
Hello @ihumster ,
Please find the log here . The retention is 1 month. I sent the password for accessing this link by email to [email protected]
Thank you very much for your support
Hello @FilipFabicevic ,
I added the key/value in the .vmx of the VM. But as I said this fix doesn't work and not only for me.
@FireHelmet I looked at the log and didn't see anything interesting about the problem. Perhaps you need to do some more research and look at a piece of hostd.log
from the esxi server during VM startup.
For convenience, you can “kick out” all the VMs from one of the hosts (switch DRS to Manual mode) and try to launch the playbook (indicating the deployment of the VM not to the cluster, but to this host) and look at hostd.log at the same time. Perhaps the reason will be visible there. Judging by the VM startup logs, the reason is not in it, but in the vSphere infrastructure
@ihumster ,
Please find the hostd.log here . The retention is 1 month. I sent the password for accessing this link by email to [email protected]
I just extracted all logs around the VM ID and/or the name of the VM. I hope this log will help you.
Thank you very much for your support
@FireHelmet And add vmkernel.log for same time from host.
Please find the vmkernel.log here The retention is 1 month. I sent the password for accessing this link by email to [email protected]
I just extracted all logs around the VM ID and/or the name of the VM. I hope this log will help you.
Thank you very much for your support
@FireHelmet Either the logs are not complete, or there is nothing in them about the VM’s network adapter. You extract logs around VM ID/Name, but need more logs about dvportgroup-66
of your dswitch
I have same network names on standard switch and dswitch. So when I want to change adapter
- name: Changing network adapter
<<: *vmware_connection
name: "{{ my_vm.vm_name }}"
- name: "{{ my_vm.vm_network }}"
ip: "{{ my_vm.vm_ip_address }}"
netmask: "{{ my_vm.vm_netmask }}"
state: present
start_connected: true
connected: true
dvswitch_name: "DSwitch"
Task fails.
TASK [Changing network adapter] **************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect virtual device ethernet0. ", "op": "reconfig"}
I do put dvswitch_name to my switches name, but I'm not sure if he really selects network from dvswitch, but it takes one from standard switch When manually select network , I select one from dvswitch and it changes it.
vsphere 7.0.3 U3
Hey @djvujke ,
Please open a new issue because it's not the same topic.
Just came here to say we encounter the same issue since we migrated to vSphere 8.0.2 (build 23319993) from vSphere 7.
I found similar issue on vmware forums. Look take on this commentary
We are currently testing to integrate to the template the following conf:
cat /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf
enable-custom-scripts = true
I will keep you updated.
FYI I had some apparently similar issues.
I made a hacky workaround by changing the network interfaces to start disconnected when provisioning, and connecting them after the VM was created. This seemed to work nicely, and might work for you as well.
In the end it turned out that my issue was caused by the VM template not having Netplan installed, and VMware expecting it to be available and failing customization because of this. The symptoms were similar enough that I thought I had the same issue as y'all :sweat_smile: