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Unsupported parameters for ( module: transport

Open Telur44 opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments


I want to use the collection with Huawei S6730 switches.

I went here:

And I copied exactly the example provided. However, every time I launch my playbook, I get the following error:

FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"}, "changed": false, "msg": "Unsupported parameters for ( module: transport Supported parameters include: commands, interval, match, provider, retries, wait_for"}

I understand that the problem comes from "transport" but I really don't see how to solve it.

Could you please help me?

Telur44 avatar Mar 28 '22 15:03 Telur44

seems the same as

I've the same issuem looks like some step is adding this args, probably on the playbook level I did not yet debug it that deeply, bit if you set
export ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 (just for testing)
and run

ansible-playbook playbooks/ce_command.yml -vvv

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    #ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.netconf
      host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
      port: "{{ ansible_ssh_port |default(22) }}"
      username: "{{ username |default('huawei') }}"
      password: "{{ password |default('huawei') }}"
      transport: 'cli'

  - debug:
      msg: "{{ cli }}"
  - name: "Run display version on remote devices"
      commands: display version
      provider: "{{ cli }}"
      #transport: cli

you can get (path would be different)

python /home/kuba/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1651153489.9478908-149575-68141174905975/ explode
Module expanded into:

cat /home/kuba/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1651153489.9478908-149575-68141174905975/debug_dir/args 
{"ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS": {"commands": "display version", "provider": {"host": "localhost", "port": 22, "username": "huawei", "password": "huawei", "transport": "cli", "ssh_keyfile": null, "use_ssl": null, "validate_certs": null, "ti
meout": null}, "transport": "cli", "_ansible_check_mode": false, "_ansible_no_log": false, "_ansible_debug": false, "_ansible_diff": false, "_ansible_verbosity": 3, "_ansible_version": "2.11.2", "_ansible_module_name": "ce_command"
, "_ansible_syslog_facility": "LOG_USER", "_ansible_selinux_special_fs": ["fuse", "nfs", "vboxsf", "ramfs", "9p", "vfat"], "_ansible_string_conversion_action": "warn", "_ansible_socket": "/home/kuba/.ansible/pc/c92e282e64", "_ansib
le_shell_executable": "/bin/sh", "_ansible_keep_remote_files": true, "_ansible_tmpdir": "/home/kuba/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1651153489.9478908-149575-68141174905975/", "_ansible_remote_tmp": "~/.ansible/tmp"}}

cat /home/kuba/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1651153489.9478908-149575-68141174905975/debug_dir/args |jq
    "commands": "display version",
    "provider": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 22,
      "username": "huawei",
      "password": "huawei",
      "transport": "cli",
      "ssh_keyfile": null,
      "use_ssl": null,
      "validate_certs": null,
      "timeout": null
    "transport": "cli",
    "_ansible_check_mode": false,
    "_ansible_no_log": false,
    "_ansible_debug": false,
    "_ansible_diff": false,
    "_ansible_verbosity": 3,
    "_ansible_version": "2.11.2",
    "_ansible_module_name": "ce_command",
    "_ansible_syslog_facility": "LOG_USER",
    "_ansible_selinux_special_fs": [
    "_ansible_string_conversion_action": "warn",
    "_ansible_socket": "/home/kuba/.ansible/pc/c92e282e64",
    "_ansible_shell_executable": "/bin/sh",
    "_ansible_keep_remote_files": true,
    "_ansible_tmpdir": "/home/kuba/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1651153489.9478908-149575-68141174905975/",
    "_ansible_remote_tmp": "~/.ansible/tmp"

so the extra transport is present in the module input arguments (extra, the one we configure is in the provider` scope, it might be that the whole plugin, not only, has some issue

you can remove this from args, and run the module again with execute, it would work 'better' :) not a fix, just a prove that it should work, when the extra transport is not injected externally

vi /home/kuba/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1651153489.9478908-149575-68141174905975/debug_dir/args

python /home/kuba/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1651153489.9478908-149575-68141174905975/ execute

{"failed": true, "msg": "Command: display version, socket path /home/kuba/.ansible/pc/c92e282e64 does not exist or cannot be found. see troubleshooting socket path issues in the network debug and troubleshooting guide.", "invocatio
n": {"module_args": {"commands": ["display version"], "provider": {"host": "localhost", "port": 22, "username": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER", "password": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER", "transport": "cli", "ssh_keyf
ile": null, "use_ssl": null, "validate_certs": null, "timeout": null}, "match": "all", "retries": 10, "interval": 1, "wait_for": null}}}

sirkubax avatar Apr 28 '22 13:04 sirkubax

@Telur44: Greetings! Thanks for taking the time to open this issue. In order for the community to handle your issue effectively, we need a bit more information.

Here are the items we could not find in your description:

  • component name

Please set the description of this issue with an appropriate template from:

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ansibullbot avatar Jun 09 '22 08:06 ansibullbot

@Telur44 This issue is waiting for you to provide the requested data in the description. Please edit the description or the issue will be closed.

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ansibullbot avatar Jul 26 '22 11:07 ansibullbot

Hi @Telur44 did you find a way to interact with Huawei S6730 switches ?

Best regards,

khalil-tabbal avatar Mar 06 '24 20:03 khalil-tabbal