community.general icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
community.general copied to clipboard

The module community.general.read_csv was redirected to community.general.files.read_csv, which could not be loaded.

Open clsmith70 opened this issue 2 years ago • 24 comments


I just started working on a project and the first step is to read a CSV and process the data. I have an execution environment set up with community.general loaded in it and GitHub actions recompiles and republishes it weekly as well as when changes are introduced. When I run the role, which only contains this task right now, it returns "The module community.general.read_csv was redirected to community.general.files.read_csv, which could not be loaded."

Issue Type

Bug Report

Component Name


Ansible Version

$ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.13.0]
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/home/chris/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /home/chris/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.8.12 (default, Sep 16 2021, 10:46:05) [GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-3)]
  jinja version = 3.0.3
  libyaml = True

< Ansible Automation Platform Controller 4.1.1 >

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Community.general Version

$ ansible-galaxy collection list community.general
Collection        Version
----------------- -------
community.general 5.2.0


$ ansible-config dump --only-changed
nothing returned

OS / Environment

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 (Ootpa)

Steps to Reproduce

- name: Read employee information
    path: "{{ source_path }}"
  register: users

Expected Results

A list of the 2 records in the test file in the task detail info

Actual Results

  "msg": "The module community.general.read_csv was redirected to community.general.files.read_csv, which could not be loaded.",
  "_ansible_no_log": false

Code of Conduct

  • [X] I agree to follow the Ansible Code of Conduct

clsmith70 avatar Jul 10 '22 15:07 clsmith70

Files identified in the description:

If these files are incorrect, please update the component name section of the description or use the !component bot command.

click here for bot help

ansibullbot avatar Jul 10 '22 15:07 ansibullbot

cc @dagwieers click here for bot help

ansibullbot avatar Jul 10 '22 15:07 ansibullbot

I just installed ansible-core 2.13.0 and community.general 5.2.0 in a new docker container, and could not reproduce this.

How did you install community.general 5.2.0?


felixfontein avatar Jul 10 '22 16:07 felixfontein

Ah, I missed the execution environment part. I did try it again with an EE including community.geneal. has no tags for 2.13 yet, though, so I build one with ansible-core 2.12. That one also worked fine for me. You probably want to check the directory /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/ (assuming it's the same directory in your environment, I looked at the ansible-galaxy collection list output in a container started with that image to obtain the base path /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections) inside your EE image. It should contain a list of subdirectories, including files, and files should contain a file If it's not there, something went wrong during building the EE image.

felixfontein avatar Jul 10 '22 16:07 felixfontein

I will check that and see if I can rebuild the EE, if necessary. I just tried it from the command line on my Ansible host and it worked like a charm. I'll update this issue when I find the proper sequence to get it working with the EE in case others run into this too.

clsmith70 avatar Jul 10 '22 16:07 clsmith70

When I pull a copy of the EE and inspect it, I find the path to as you outlined earlier. When I run a job using the EE in the controller web interface, it still reports that error. I've even tried setting a separate copy of the EE up so a new copy would be pulled, and the same error was still returned.

clsmith70 avatar Jul 10 '22 17:07 clsmith70

I tried this same job at work and received the same result there. The EE is built in a separate repo and stored in a different account. All attempts work using ansible-playbook on the command line, but they all fail via the Ansible controller web interface. It appears to be relative to the EE. I did check both community EE's and find read.csv in /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/. Everything I have tried to get this to work has failed.

I will use the win_shell module to import the CSV and make use of the data that way. Not the way I wanted to address this case, but I know it will work.

clsmith70 avatar Jul 11 '22 17:07 clsmith70

If it's possible to make the built EE available somehow (or the exact way to build it, if that can be done using non-proprietary tools/images/...), that would be great. I'd really like to debug this, but I cannot reproduce this using what's available to the community. Otherwise you'll have to take this to Red Hat support, since you apparently pay for Ansible Automation Platform, maybe they can figure out what goes wrong.

felixfontein avatar Jul 11 '22 19:07 felixfontein

You can clone my ee-build repo. It currently builds an EE for Azure and Community. Nothing special or proprietary.

clsmith70 - ee-build

clsmith70 avatar Jul 11 '22 22:07 clsmith70

I build the community EE with ansible-builder build -v 3 -t test-ee:latest --container-runtime=podman (ansible-builder 1.0.1) and run a tiny playbook with ansible-navigator run --mode stdout --pull-policy never --execution-environment-image test-ee:latest -vvv ee.yml (ansible-navigator 2.1.0). It says ansible-playbook [core 2.12.5.post0] at startup though (that's the ansible-core version contained in the base image ansible-builder uses, Anyway, I also cannot reproduce it this way...

felixfontein avatar Jul 12 '22 07:07 felixfontein

I am reaching out to a resource to see if they can help reproduce and resolve this issue. For now, I have this functionality filled in using

clsmith70 avatar Jul 12 '22 13:07 clsmith70

You can (probably) also work around this by limiting community.general to version < 5.0.0. Earlier versions are using symlinks instead of ansible-base 2.10+ redirects.

felixfontein avatar Jul 12 '22 14:07 felixfontein

Thank you @felixfontein!!! That worked!

To help others that may run into this problem, here is an example of what your requirements.yml file might look like to build your EE container.

  - name:
  - name: community.general
    version: <5.0.0
  - name: community.dns
  - name: community.crypto

clsmith70 avatar Jul 12 '22 14:07 clsmith70

Well, but that's really not a good fix, since it prevents you from using the latest version. This seems to be a severe bug somewhere that needs to get fixed, so let's better keep this open :)

felixfontein avatar Jul 12 '22 15:07 felixfontein

Another instance of this problem (with ansible-base 2.10.8 and the mail module) was reported in

felixfontein avatar Jul 14 '22 04:07 felixfontein

I was not able to reproduce this. I am running the latest version of AAP (2.2) on RHEL 9, and I rebuilt your execution environment with the latest version of community.general using ansible-builder from the AAP yum repository. The ansible-builder version from this repository uses the base images published by Red Hat by default.

@clsmith70, are you able to try building your EE with the latest version of community.general and then substituting the module name in the playbook with community.general.files.read_csv and seeing if that works[^1]?

It would help if you could provide more information about your setup. Which EE image are you using? How did you build it? What version of AAP? What's the output of sudo dnf repolist on the system where Automation Controller is installed?

It would also help to have the ouput of ansible-navigator images -d --eei=[] (after replacing the placeholder value). You'll have to use a Gist or other pastebin for that, as it provides a LOT of information.

[^1]: You shouldn't do this normally. I'm just trying to narrow down the problem.

Also, where did you run ansible --version? It looks like that version is installed with pip and not the version from AAP. Either way, that's not really relevant, as ansible is run from within the EE, not the host.

gotmax23 avatar Jul 22 '22 20:07 gotmax23

Hmm, a comment by @gotmax23 on IRC ("Also, is the fact that they're running against a windows host a factor?") got me thinking. This could indeed be the important factor. Some wild guessing: maybe you are running against a Windows host, and use delegate_to: localhost to run the module locally. Now ansible-core for whatever reason tries to find a powershell module following the redirect, even though the local host is Linux. That would explain the error message. And maybe this problem only happens if a redirect is involved, and did not happen when there were symlinks inside the collection (which is why it works with c.g 4.x.y but not with 5.x.y)?

felixfontein avatar Jul 23 '22 08:07 felixfontein

Actually I managed to reproduce this: with an inventory file like

[windows] ansible_connection=winrm

(that machine doesn't actually exist) and playbook

- hosts: windows
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Read employee information
        path: /foo
      register: users

Then I get

TASK [Read employee information] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "The module community.general.read_csv was redirected to community.general.files.read_csv, which could not be loaded."}

When I add delegate_to: localhost it works fine (Unable to open file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/foo'). With community.general 4.x.y (edited: and no delegate_to!) I get fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ssl: auth method ssl requires a username", "unreachable": true} (which is not surprising since that machine doesn't exist).

Since community.general does not support Windows (see for example it is not surprising that it doesn't work like this. But then @clsmith70's environment doesn't seem to be that simple, otherwise it should have never worked with community.general 4.x.y either.

felixfontein avatar Jul 23 '22 09:07 felixfontein

When I add delegate_to: localhost it works fine (Unable to open file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/foo'). With community.general 4.x.y I get fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ssl: auth method ssl requires a username", "unreachable": true} (which is not surprising since that machine doesn't exist).

That is surprising to me; if you delegated to localhost it should be using the local connection for execution and not trying to connect to the "remote" host at all, no? The target host using a different connection doesn't change that.

This whole issue seems like there is something wrong with the redirect code. Generally speaking delegation (including to the localhost) works fine when the inventory target is Windows or is using winrm/psrp connections.

briantist avatar Jul 23 '22 14:07 briantist

I meant that with c.g 4.x.y and not delegating I got the 'unreachable' error (which isn't unsurprising). With c.g 4.x.y and delegate_to I also got "Unable to open file..." as expected.

felixfontein avatar Jul 23 '22 16:07 felixfontein

@clsmith70 could you please tell us more about your environment?

felixfontein avatar Jul 31 '22 10:07 felixfontein

@felixfontein, my apologies for the late response. I've been away from work recently.

I have a lab that I set up to mirror work as closely as possible. At work, we have an old domain running on an old FFL/DFL that we are migrating from. That domain has its oldest DCs running 2003 FFL/DFL on 2008 R2 Server. This has limited my use of some newer collections and modules due to interoperability issues. My lab is using a 2012 server running a 2008 R2 FFL/DFL and presents a few of the same issues around interoperability.

When I use the c.g collection <5.0.0, I can copy a file from a windows server to the local Ansible host, then process the file in the local host with no problems. If I use the latest c.g version, this doesn't work quite right. I am going to run some additional tests today to verify everything as I haven't worked on it in for a while.

clsmith70 avatar Jul 31 '22 14:07 clsmith70

I just noticed in the original post you're using ansible-core==2.13.0, have you tried >=2.13.1 yet? If I recall correctly it had a critical bug that prevented connecting to Windows systems:

That manifests as a different error, and it doesn't seem to be related, but maybe when used with the redirect there's some interaction between those? Either way, it's a good idea to get an idea with the fix for working with Windows targets.

briantist avatar Aug 01 '22 00:08 briantist

@briantist I have not tried that yet. My most recent review did not exhibit the problem in my test lab. I tested with both c.g <5.0.0 and using the latest version and both worked. I will put a test together in the production work environment to validate the issue there and then try some of the steps outlined here to see if it can be resolved or not.

@felixfontein I did use a different approach to reading the file. I copy the file from the Windows host to the Ansible controller node, then read and register the data there. The updated play information is listed below. The role is run with the Windows host and delegation is used with the AAP controller host.

- name: Copy source file {{ source_file }} at {{ source_path }}
    src: "{{ source_path }}{{ source_file }}"
    dest: /tmp/{{ tower_job_id }}-{{ source_file }}
    flat: true
- name: Read employee information
    path: /tmp/{{ tower_job_id }}-{{ source_file }}
  register: users
  delegate_to: localhost

clsmith70 avatar Aug 02 '22 16:08 clsmith70

Is there any update on this? If not, since this was never reported again, I'm opting to simply close this.


felixfontein avatar Oct 01 '22 16:10 felixfontein

@felixfontein I have not experienced any further issues after modifying my job templates to copy the file before processing it. Thanks to everyone for their time and attention on this!

clsmith70 avatar Oct 02 '22 15:10 clsmith70