cisco.nxos copied to clipboard
cisco.nxos.nxos_zone_zoneset does not find initiator device alias to be removed from smart zone
Upon using cisco.nxos.nxos_zone_zoneset to remove FC alias from smart zone, the output states that FC alias provided in playbook is not in zmart zone. Checking with CLI, the FC alias is in smart zone. The module performs consequently no action.
Collection version 4.1.0
- Bug Report
ansible [core 2.11.9]
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/home/xxxxxx/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /home/xxxxxx/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
python version = 3.9.14 (main, Sep 21 2022, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.3.1 20220421 (Red Hat 11.3.1-2)]
jinja version = 3.1.2
libyaml = True
$ ansible-galaxy collection list | grep nxos
cisco.nxos 4.1.0 <-- manually updated
cisco.nxos 2.8.2
Standard configuration
OS is RHEL 8.7
With one fabric, one smart zone and one FC alias, try remove the FC alias from the smart zone.
- name: switch_fc | helpers | smartzone update | remove devalias to smartzone
- mode: basic
smart_zoning: true
vsan: 1000
- members:
- devtype: initiator
device_alias: host_fc0
remove: true
name: sz_host_fc0
The module should remove the FC alias from the smart zone.
The output exposed, states that "zone member 'host_fc0' of device type 'initiator' is not present in zone 'sz_host_fc0' in vsan 1000 hence nothing to remove" which is false. FC alias host_fc0 is in smart zone sz_host_fc0.
TASK [ds-role-san_CRUD : switch_fc | helpers | smartzone update | check result] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
Tuesday 04 April 2023 13:42:03 +0200 (0:00:00.963) 0:00:07.870 *********
ok: [localhost] => {
"_sz_find_output": {
"changed": false,
"commands": [],
"failed": false,
"messages": [
"zone mode is already basic ,no change in zone mode configuration for vsan 1000",
"smart-zoning is already set to enabled , no change in smart-zoning configuration for vsan 1000",
"zone member 'host_fc0' of device type 'initiator' is not present in zone 'sz_host_fc0' in vsan 1000 hence nothing to remove"
cc @srbharadwaj for MDS issue.
Did some more tests about this bug.
Using below playbook, it works:
- name: switch_fc | helpers | smartzone update | remove devalias to smartzone
- mode: basic
smart_zoning: true
vsan: 1000
- members:
- devtype: initiator
pwwn: aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa
# Removal works only with wwpn. Not with devalias
#device_alias: host_fc0
remove: true
name: sz_host_fc0
So the issue is that device_alias is not resolved to wwpn.
Removal of FC initiator can only be done by wwpn. Not with device alias.
This seems to be a bug as per the documentation of the Ansible module.
headline says "fc-alias" and comments say "device-alias" can you confirm which one is it?
If you can send the show tech zone vsan 1000
from the switch that would be helpful
headline says "fc-alias" and comments say "device-alias" can you confirm which one is it? If you can send the
show tech zone vsan 1000
from the switch that would be helpful
This is FC initiator device alias which cannot be removed from smart zone. The FC wwpn has to be referenced to remove the initiator from smart zone.
I cannot share the output of the command. This is proprietary data.
@colinet which ever member type was used for zone member addition, the same needs to be used for deletion, if pwwn was used during creation then pwwn needs to be used during deletion, in your case using pwwn worked, because during zone member creation pwwn was used. here is an example
switch(config)# sh zone vsan 1
zone name z64g vsan 1
pwwn 21:00:f4:c7:aa:0c:a7:bf [hba_64g_ini_190]
pwwn 21:00:f4:c7:aa:0c:a7:cc [hba_64g_tar_188]
in the above case only member type pwwn can be used for zone member deletion and not device alias
@colinet which ever member type was used for zone member addition, the same needs to be used for deletion, if pwwn was used during creation then pwwn needs to be used during deletion, in your case using pwwn worked, because during zone member creation pwwn was used. here is an example
switch(config)# sh zone vsan 1 zone name z64g vsan 1 pwwn 21:00:f4:c7:aa:0c:a7:bf [hba_64g_ini_190] pwwn 21:00:f4:c7:aa:0c:a7:cc [hba_64g_tar_188] switch(config)#
in the above case only member type pwwn can be used for zone member deletion and not device alias
My observation is that:
- we use device alias to populate zone members.
- we have to use pwwn to remove these same members.
The play to add and remove is:
- name: switch_fc | helpers | smartzone update | add or delete devalias to smartzone
- mode: basic
smart_zoning: true
vsan: "{{ _smartzone_update_vsan_id }}"
- members:
- devtype: initiator
pwwn: "{{ _smartzone_update_wwpn if (_smartzone_update_devalias_remove is defined and _smartzone_update_devalias_remove|bool) else omit }}"
device_alias: "{{ omit if (_smartzone_update_devalias_remove is defined and _smartzone_update_devalias_remove|bool) else _smartzone_update_devalias_name }}"
remove: "{{ _smartzone_update_devalias_remove |default(omit) }}"
name: "{{ _smartzone_update_smartzone_name }}"
- action: activate
- name: "{{ _smartzone_update_smartzone_name }}"
name: "{{ _smartzone_update_zoneset_name }}"
The switch between add and remove is controlled with : _smartzone_update_devalias_remove