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cisco.ios.ios_route_maps does not allow to set a list of community values
I am trying to set a list of community values. In a Cisco router, the "set community" command allows to enter more than one community value, the cisco.ios.ios_route_maps module does not.
- Bug Report
ansible --version
ansible [core 2.13.2]
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/home/gbloise/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /home/gbloise/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /home/gbloise/.ansible/collections
executable location = /home/gbloise/.local/bin/ansible
python version = 3.8.10 (default, Mar 15 2022, 12:22:08) [GCC 9.4.0]
jinja version = 3.1.2
libyaml = True
ansible-galaxy collection list cisco.ios
# /home/gbloise/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible_collections
Collection Version
---------- -------
cisco.ios 3.3.0
# /home/gbloise/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
Collection Version
---------- -------
cisco.ios 3.3.0
# /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ansible_collections
Collection Version
---------- -------
cisco.ios 3.3.0
In the documentation for cisco.ios.ios_route_maps ( the "set" for "community" is the following:
setdictionary | | Match source-protocol of route
-- | -- | --
| | | aigp_metricdictionary | | accumulated metric value
| | | | igp_metricboolean | Choices:noyes | metric value from rib
| | | | valueinteger | | manual value
| | | as_pathdictionary | | Prepend string for a BGP AS-path attribute
| | | | prependdictionary | | Prepend to the as-path
| | | | | as_numberlist / elements=string | | AS numberPlease refer vendor documentation for valid values
| | | | | last_asinteger | | Prepend last AS to the as-pathNumber of last-AS prependsPlease refer vendor documentation for valid values
| | | | tagboolean | Choices:noyes | Set the tag as an AS-path attribute
| | | automatic_tagboolean | Choices:noyes | Automatically compute TAG value
| | | clnsstring | | OSI summary addressNext hop addressCLNS summary prefix
| | | comm_liststring | | set BGP community list (for deletion)Community-list name/numberDelete matching communities
| | | communitydictionary | | BGP community attribute
| | | | additiveboolean | Choices:noyes | Add to the existing community
| | | | gshutboolean | Choices:noyes | Graceful Shutdown (well-known community)
| | | | internetboolean | Choices:noyes | Internet (well-known community)
| | | | local_asboolean | Choices:noyes | Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)
| | | | no_advertiseboolean | Choices:noyes | Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)
| | | | no_exportboolean | Choices:noyes | Do not export to next AS (well-known community)
| | | | noneboolean | Choices:noyes | No community attribute
| | | | numberstring | | community numbercommunity number in aa:nn formatPlease refer vendor documentation for valid values
Notice, set | community | number is a string variable, not a list variable. As such I cannot enter more than one.
us1455-houston1-dc-cs#show ver
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.09.05
Cisco IOS Software [Fuji], ASR1000 Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.9.5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
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us1455-houston1-dc-cs uptime is 1 year, 6 weeks, 5 days, 4 hours, 14 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 1 year, 6 weeks, 5 days, 4 hours, 17 minutes
System returned to ROM by PowerOn at 01:23:52 GMT Fri May 21 2021
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System image file is "bootflash:asr1000rpx86-universalk9.16.09.05.SPA.bin"
Last reload reason: PowerOn
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cisco ASR1006 (RP2) processor (revision RP2) with 9997044K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FXS1715Q7MQ
16 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
6 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16777216K bytes of physical memory.
1925119K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.
78085207K bytes of SATA hard disk at harddisk:.
0K bytes of WebUI ODM Files at webui:.
Configuration register is 0x2102
When trying to configure the set community number, it only allows for one community value:
number: 1:1
It would be expected to convert this variable to a list so I could configure (as an example) like:
- 1:1
- 1:2
I couldn't pass the verification part from VS Code
Just a comment on this. The behavior of the set community command in a route map entry is the following:
- set community options:
1.a. Many options can be added:
router(config-route-map)#set community ?
<1-4294967295> community number
aa:nn community number in aa:nn format
gshut Graceful Shutdown (well-known community)
internet Internet (well-known community)
local-AS Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)
no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)
no-export Do not export to next AS (well-known community)
none No community attribute
1.b. once a community number has been entered, the list of options remain the same (including the end of the list, highlighted by carriage return (
): router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 ? <1-4294967295> community number aa:nn community number in aa:nn format additive Add to the existing community gshut Graceful Shutdown (well-known community) internet Internet (well-known community) local-AS Do not send outside local AS (well-known community) no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community) no-export Do not export to next AS (well-known community) 1.c. Options <1-4294967295>, aa:nn, gshut, internet, local-AS, no-advertise and no-export allows for more options to be added:
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 no-export ?
<1-4294967295> community number
aa:nn community number in aa:nn format
additive Add to the existing community
gshut Graceful Shutdown (well-known community)
internet Internet (well-known community)
local-AS Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)
no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)
no-export Do not export to next AS (well-known community)
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 gsh
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 gshut ?
<1-4294967295> community number
aa:nn community number in aa:nn format
additive Add to the existing community
gshut Graceful Shutdown (well-known community)
internet Internet (well-known community)
local-AS Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)
no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)
no-export Do not export to next AS (well-known community)
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 in
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 internet ?
<1-4294967295> community number
aa:nn community number in aa:nn format
additive Add to the existing community
gshut Graceful Shutdown (well-known community)
internet Internet (well-known community)
local-AS Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)
no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)
no-export Do not export to next AS (well-known community)
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 local
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 local-AS ?
<1-4294967295> community number
aa:nn community number in aa:nn format
additive Add to the existing community
gshut Graceful Shutdown (well-known community)
internet Internet (well-known community)
local-AS Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)
no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)
no-export Do not export to next AS (well-known community)
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 no
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 no-ad
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 no-advertise ?
<1-4294967295> community number
aa:nn community number in aa:nn format
additive Add to the existing community
gshut Graceful Shutdown (well-known community)
internet Internet (well-known community)
local-AS Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)
no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)
no-export Do not export to next AS (well-known community)
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 no-ex
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 no-export ?
<1-4294967295> community number
aa:nn community number in aa:nn format
additive Add to the existing community
gshut Graceful Shutdown (well-known community)
internet Internet (well-known community)
local-AS Do not send outside local AS (well-known community)
no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer (well-known community)
no-export Do not export to next AS (well-known community)
1.d. the additive option does not allow for any more options, which means it has to be the last option in the list:
router(config-route-map)#set community 13979:110 additive ?
1.e. the none option would be an either or option with the rest ... meaning you can only add set community none or set community
I would propose to do something like:
set: community: communities: - <1-4294967295> - aa:nn - gshut - internet - local-AS - no-advertise - no-export additive: True | False none: True | False
where: if none=True then don't evaluate any other value
I hope this helps.
Hi Gian! I came across your bug report while looking at some idempotency issues I've been experiencing with route maps.
I guess, since number is a string, that you could put an arbitrary value here as long as it's accepted by ios?
number: 65100:100 65100:123 no-export
Another alternative, and probably more according to convention, is to split it it up into separate tasks.
- name: set numbered or new-format community
- route_map: TEST
- sequence: 10
action: permit
number: 6500:100 6500:200
- name: set no_export community
- route_map: TEST
- sequence: 10
action: permit
no_export: true
- name: screw it I'm having regrets!
- route_map: TEST
- sequence: 10
action: permit
none: true
state: replaced
but alas either option seems to break idempotency 🙉
Would you consider the above alternatives as a solution and would you agree that bringing idempotency to this would be a step further in the right direction? 😃
Thanks and take care!
HI @bentole, I have tested the suggested: adding a set of community values as a string works ... on top of that, setting additive to 'yes' when the number has a long "string" also works, however I would consider this a workaround, not a solution. As you mentioned above, indeed bringing idempotency would be the step in the right direction as long as it follows Cisco IOS logic :)
Sounds good! I forgot to say that you should be able to add different communites types in the same task as well. Sorry for not mentioning that in the previous post 😄
- name: set various communities
- route_map: TEST
- sequence: 10
action: permit
number: 65000:100 65000:200
no_export: yes
internet: yes
but I agree, it makes more sense to have the community numbers as a list of strings, like this (?)
- name: making more sense
- route_map: TEST
- sequence: 10
action: permit
- 65000:100
- 65000:200
no_export: yes
internet: yes
I guess there's also an issue with additive. Like you said it has to be the last option on the list. Well-known communities can be additive too, right? Yet, it only seems to work on number...