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ec2_snapshot - tests unstable

Open tremble opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments


The ec2_snapshot tests are currently failing

Issue Type

Bug Report

Component Name


Ansible Version


Collection Versions


AWS SDK versions




OS / Environment


Steps to Reproduce

Trigger ec2_snapshot tests in CI

Expected Results

Tests pass

Actual Results

2021-08-05 11:06:59.812696 | fedora-34 | TASK [ec2_snapshot : Get snapshots in paginated mode using max_results option] ***
2021-08-05 11:06:59.812960 | fedora-34 | task path: /home/zuul/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/amazon/aws/tests/integration/targets/ec2_snapshot/tasks/main.yml:283
2021-08-05 11:06:59.875174 | fedora-34 | <testhost> ESTABLISH LOCAL CONNECTION FOR USER: zuul
2021-08-05 11:06:59.876417 | fedora-34 | <testhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'echo ~zuul && sleep 0'
2021-08-05 11:06:59.889536 | fedora-34 | <testhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c '( umask 77 && mkdir -p "` echo /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp `"&& mkdir "` echo /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1628161619.8880897-4978-157870406723303 `" && echo ansible-tmp-1628161619.8880897-4978-157870406723303="` echo /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1628161619.8880897-4978-157870406723303 `" ) && sleep 0'
2021-08-05 11:06:59.910953 | fedora-34 | Using module file /home/zuul/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/amazon/aws/plugins/modules/
2021-08-05 11:06:59.912391 | fedora-34 | <testhost> PUT /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-43878h_1b0j4/tmpl_ig10ly TO /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1628161619.8880897-4978-157870406723303/
2021-08-05 11:06:59.913944 | fedora-34 | <testhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'chmod u+x /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1628161619.8880897-4978-157870406723303/ /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1628161619.8880897-4978-157870406723303/ && sleep 0'
2021-08-05 11:06:59.926524 | fedora-34 | <testhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'ANSIBLE_DEBUG_BOTOCORE_LOGS=True /home/zuul/venv/bin/python /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1628161619.8880897-4978-157870406723303/ && sleep 0'
2021-08-05 11:07:01.241502 | fedora-34 | <testhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'rm -f -r /home/zuul/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1628161619.8880897-4978-157870406723303/ > /dev/null 2>&1 && sleep 0'
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270435 | fedora-34 | ok: [testhost] => {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270537 | fedora-34 |     "changed": false,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270583 | fedora-34 |     "invocation": {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270602 | fedora-34 |         "module_args": {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270619 | fedora-34 |             "aws_access_key": "ASIA6CCDWXDOATURKG6R",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270636 | fedora-34 |             "aws_ca_bundle": null,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270653 | fedora-34 |             "aws_config": null,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270671 | fedora-34 |             "aws_secret_key": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270690 | fedora-34 |             "debug_botocore_endpoint_logs": true,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270707 | fedora-34 |             "ec2_url": null,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270724 | fedora-34 |             "filters": {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270741 | fedora-34 |                 "tag:Name": "ansible-test-73551636-fedora-34-1vcpu-vexxhost-sjc1-0001710806"
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270758 | fedora-34 |             },
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270775 | fedora-34 |             "max_results": 5,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270792 | fedora-34 |             "next_token_id": null,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270809 | fedora-34 |             "owner_ids": [],
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270833 | fedora-34 |             "profile": null,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270849 | fedora-34 |             "region": "us-east-1",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270868 | fedora-34 |             "restorable_by_user_ids": [],
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270885 | fedora-34 |             "security_token": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270902 | fedora-34 |             "snapshot_ids": [],
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270919 | fedora-34 |             "validate_certs": true
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270935 | fedora-34 |         }
2021-08-05 11:07:01.270952 | fedora-34 |     },
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271010 | fedora-34 |     "next_token_id": "eyJ2IjoiMiIsImMiOiIyUHJtSE1CN2I4dk1HRDZLeWVpQXd2U0tvcnY3WXY3L2pESzlZcU1WNUphMmh5Y1FHQ0RpOTZvQXlxbVhoRGo5Qm1nK2RBcW9KVzJrUzNTZTlnbzBPSjRteG1CNzdnNURxUzZsL081TnNWL1dOZ296OUxDN09MNVRONGZLOGFPQmoyaEE3TkFIRTRjNWdTWmEvdGVxTjd0SWRFa0kyZnFZRjJtVUUraFBoL2ZXclVrZjVEMHo5YmF5UHI0eG9YNUlRa2djcW1ndWFpL1V4UEYrU0hUZ2l5Vk11b0w5S2JIaThuNEUrRGhoNXljQ0xMK1Z4RUFaMytjRjFMMHd2MVdRb1ZvN1hJQms1K1ZrYnNYcnBpZW9QUkxpOUJ1WkdBaitnUkZYQUxPZlRjV1JqQlR0MkFrb3RrRVhLV3VDZk1mR3JBZ2dwY3BLcFV0UUtQRGdEREhyMlFKMEFucUhxRHFzY1AwdEppMjdXR0M5ODVOR3NiWXNQaVBDY1BmTkRXeVRWc1AycUw5S0o4cnl5T1ZZbGRZeWdFbWxwRzZyWGdyRVIrTmJ2M09PRFdwck9xRVZGUkdRdkRURytUZVpCOGEwYk5ZdG9YN3VHTDdLQ0dXRDcxQm5FTzRrdXNNckZLak5jb1RLQjN2OTF5cm9CWDRuTEZWL3had1o2bTcvUExId1hPY3JrRUR3ZTk3ZGVNNHdRNGUwWTZsSGJKdDFaWHJ5V1ZKb3p6VWtkSnNETXVRZXJUV1RKZXZQNHBIem9tWFZ3T21MLzYvYWdNaE9zVkN5ZE43S3o3QldvVjVzcDlOdDEydmxsb09XaFJCaC93PT0iLCJzIjoiMSJ9",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271046 | fedora-34 |     "resource_actions": [
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271072 | fedora-34 |         "ec2:DescribeSnapshots"
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271090 | fedora-34 |     ],
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271107 | fedora-34 |     "snapshots": [
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271124 | fedora-34 |         {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271167 | fedora-34 |             "description": "",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271186 | fedora-34 |             "encrypted": false,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271202 | fedora-34 |             "owner_id": "966509639900",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271219 | fedora-34 |             "progress": "100%",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271236 | fedora-34 |             "snapshot_id": "snap-054e6618a103ca2d6",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271253 | fedora-34 |             "start_time": "2021-08-05T11:04:07.137000+00:00",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271270 | fedora-34 |             "state": "completed",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271295 | fedora-34 |             "tags": {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271318 | fedora-34 |                 "Name": "ansible-test-73551636-fedora-34-1vcpu-vexxhost-sjc1-0001710806",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271336 | fedora-34 |                 "ResourcePrefix": "ansible-test-73551636-fedora-34-1vcpu-vexxhost-sjc1-0001710806"
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271354 | fedora-34 |             },
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271371 | fedora-34 |             "volume_id": "vol-077d699f772ada17d",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271387 | fedora-34 |             "volume_size": 8
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271404 | fedora-34 |         },
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271421 | fedora-34 |         {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271437 | fedora-34 |             "description": "",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271480 | fedora-34 |             "encrypted": false,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271502 | fedora-34 |             "owner_id": "966509639900",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271528 | fedora-34 |             "progress": "100%",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271577 | fedora-34 |             "snapshot_id": "snap-060fc83d747848d46",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271598 | fedora-34 |             "start_time": "2021-08-05T11:00:58.246000+00:00",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271615 | fedora-34 |             "state": "completed",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271632 | fedora-34 |             "tags": {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271649 | fedora-34 |                 "MyTag": "ansible-test-73551636-fedora-34-1vcpu-vexxhost-sjc1-0001710806",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271666 | fedora-34 |                 "Name": "ansible-test-73551636-fedora-34-1vcpu-vexxhost-sjc1-0001710806"
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271683 | fedora-34 |             },
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271699 | fedora-34 |             "volume_id": "vol-077d699f772ada17d",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271716 | fedora-34 |             "volume_size": 8
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271732 | fedora-34 |         },
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271750 | fedora-34 |         {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271767 | fedora-34 |             "description": "",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271783 | fedora-34 |             "encrypted": false,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271799 | fedora-34 |             "owner_id": "966509639900",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271815 | fedora-34 |             "progress": "100%",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271832 | fedora-34 |             "snapshot_id": "snap-0bc164f8d6b01f761",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271848 | fedora-34 |             "start_time": "2021-08-05T10:58:26.538000+00:00",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271864 | fedora-34 |             "state": "completed",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271881 | fedora-34 |             "tags": {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271897 | fedora-34 |                 "Name": "ansible-test-73551636-fedora-34-1vcpu-vexxhost-sjc1-0001710806"
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271914 | fedora-34 |             },
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271930 | fedora-34 |             "volume_id": "vol-077d699f772ada17d",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271946 | fedora-34 |             "volume_size": 8
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271963 | fedora-34 |         }
2021-08-05 11:07:01.271987 | fedora-34 |     ]
2021-08-05 11:07:01.272004 | fedora-34 | }
2021-08-05 11:07:01.293559 | fedora-34 |
2021-08-05 11:07:01.293600 | fedora-34 | TASK [ec2_snapshot : assert] ***************************************************
2021-08-05 11:07:01.293836 | fedora-34 | task path: /home/zuul/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/amazon/aws/tests/integration/targets/ec2_snapshot/tasks/main.yml:290
2021-08-05 11:07:01.360675 | fedora-34 | fatal: [testhost]: FAILED! => {
2021-08-05 11:07:01.360741 | fedora-34 |     "assertion": "info_result.snapshots | length == 5",
2021-08-05 11:07:01.360756 | fedora-34 |     "changed": false,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.360769 | fedora-34 |     "evaluated_to": false,
2021-08-05 11:07:01.360781 | fedora-34 |     "msg": "Assertion failed"
2021-08-05 11:07:01.360793 | fedora-34 | }
2021-08-05 11:07:01.378872 | fedora-34 |

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tremble avatar Aug 05 '21 11:08 tremble

Files identified in the description:

  • [plugins/modules/](['ansible-collections/', 'ansible-collections/', 'ansible-collections/community.vmware']/blob/main/plugins/modules/

If these files are inaccurate, please update the component name section of the description or use the !component bot command.

click here for bot help

ansibullbot avatar Aug 05 '21 11:08 ansibullbot

cc @jillr @s-hertel @willthames @wimnat click here for bot help

ansibullbot avatar Aug 05 '21 11:08 ansibullbot

Resolved by #1322.

tremble avatar Feb 06 '23 09:02 tremble