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Tensorflow bindings for the Elixir programming language :muscle:
Would you please consider pushing latest master to the hex?
Hi! I was wondering what are the steps to add something like this to tensorflex? https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/image/ssim_multiscale https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/r1.12/tensorflow/python/ops/image_ops_impl.py
Hi, Thank you for your effort in this project! We are trying to use this repo to run a Tensorflow image segmentation model on Elixir. Please see the code below....
So the description of the library is for utilizing models in elixir, not certain if you also want to head in the direction of being able to construct graphs as...
I can see two ways for integration: 1. "Tight" — when Tensorflex methods directly accept Matrex objects and return them. 2. "Loose" — when we use transfer methods, like `tensor_from_matrex/1`...