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MYHOMESERVER1 Configuration
i'm trying to configure my MYHOMESERVER1 with this add-on. The automatic discover is not working and i get the custom selection of the device:
After this i fill in all the data as you can see in the image (i obscured IP and MAC address)
but i get this error message, can you tell me if i can check something?
Thank you very much.
good morning, I also have this problem, have you solved it?
I was having the same problem, then i've found that there was an indentation error on mine myhome.yaml file.
Follow this example:
Download Visual Studio Code plugin to your Home Assistant instance, so it can show you the indentation error.
That's mine working yaml file. Then, you have to reboot MyHome Plugin or the entire Home Assistant.
Thank you
Buongiorno a tutti, ho installato l'applicazione tramite HACS, tuttavia non trovo il file Myhome.yaml nella directory e non riesco nemmeno a configurarlo tramite web.. dove sbaglio? grazie
siete riusciti a integrarlo con home assitant e gestire la climatizzazione ? potete aiutarmi magari con qualceh esempio dello iaml file