
Results 13 comments of anonimou0

@utack and @uvok i'm having the same problem as well (asus Z00L, here).. i'm thinking that it is because this is a 64-bit processor and OS (CM13, here) can you...

yep.. as i thought, it is because it was running on 64-bit architecture. made the changed and commited now. let's see if miracle2k will merge. here is a working version:...

I have the same behavior as yours. I was on zoneminder-master respository and recently upgrade to 1.37.12 and zmc processes have been hammering the CPU. The load average was way...

The CPU usage was going crazy with zmc using ~most~ all CPU. At least, that's what `top` would show. Before the issues started, streams would capture at a steady pace...

Thank you @klaasvakie . That seems to be the issue. I have 16 cameras that record without decoding in H265 in high resolution (4MP or 6MP). I use the cameras...

My workaround was to create a scrip on `/etc/init.d/mt7623_fix` with `echo disabled > /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/mode` . After that, I could get an usable device. Thank you @frank-w and @VA1DER

So, I don't exactly WHAT is doing it, but it seems that the smaller trip points are not being triggered. just got merged and I decided to try the...

@WuSiYu How can I compile the module for my kernel and OpenWrt version? With the source code, obviously. I need Linux 4.14.82 for MT7615 on a MT7623 device.

@WuSiYu , the manufacturer provided me the code for both MT7615 and MT7603 but I'm having a hard time trying to compile it.

@BGFWDev were you able to get it running? Thanks