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Formalization of Typhon protocol
As presently designed, Heterogeneous Paxos needs time-outs before proposals are re-sent (to ensure liveness). This is equivalent to time-outs for choosing new leaders in Tendermint. How do we want to...
This is more of an engineering issue. Things that need to be figured out: * Transaction encoding * Matchmaking * Communication between acceptors that are not on the overlapping set
As written, [Heterogeneous Paxos](https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.08253) assumes a learner graph that does not change over time. Technically, of course, we can encode all learners from all points in time in one big...
When our [nodes can run multiple chains](https://github.com/heliaxdev/dist-sys-pm/issues/1), and we have a spec of [Heterogeneous Paxos](https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.08253) [modified for blockchains](https://github.com/heliaxdev/dist-sys-pm/issues/5), we want the ability to "spin-up" new [Heterogeneous Paxos](https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.08253) quickly an easily....
Question: Another point we need to discuss is what happens to chimera chains once the conditions dont hold anymore. Are the objects stuck there for ever? What if no one...
When our nodes can [simultaneously run main chains](https://github.com/heliaxdev/dist-sys-pm/issues/1) and [Heterogeneous Paxos Chains](https://github.com/heliaxdev/dist-sys-pm/issues/6) between them, we want to communicate between chains easily, and with bounded latency (as measured in blocks). Since...
Using the [Heterogeneous Paxos](https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.08253) [Spec developed earlier](https://github.com/heliaxdev/hpaxos/issues/2), can we formalize and prove heterogeneous termination in [Ivy](http://microsoft.github.io/ivy/) or [TLA+](https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/tla.html)?
HPaxos does not use optimised message passing. We should look into optimisations such as aggregating signatures, re-using messages, etc. BFTree were suggested as the first thing to look into for...
Using our [multi-chain nodes](https://github.com/heliaxdev/dist-sys-pm/issues/1), enable cheap creation of additional chains with the same quorums as a "main chain." This would allow transactions with the same integrity as the main chain...
Implement a [programming model](https://anoma.network/blog/heterogeneous-paxos-and-multi-chain-atomic-commits#programming-model) for atomic message passing between [state machines running on a Heterogeneous Paxos Chain](https://github.com/heliaxdev/dist-sys-pm/issues/8). This can be based on [IBC](https://ibcprotocol.org/), bug should provide additional atomicity guarantees. Note...