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Formalization of Typhon protocol
Build a single prototype server which executes transactions sent to it serially (no fancy concurrency of any kind), storing (persistent) state in memory. The goal here is to establish that...
Building on the [english spec](https://specs.anoma.net/main/components/typhon/execution.html), construct a prototype version of the Execution Engine in the [Stateright](https://github.com/stateright/stateright) framework. This may involve some kind of "dummy" Taiga API. Ideally, this would match...
Combine the mempool, consensus, and execution engine prototypes together into a prototype Typhon. Ideally this would match the [english spec](https://github.com/anoma/typhon/issues/52) and the [formal spec](https://github.com/anoma/typhon/issues/53). ## Prerequisites - [ ] https://github.com/anoma/typhon/issues/44...
After each component has been formalized, combine the mempool, consensus, and execution engine formal specs into a larger formal spec (in [TLA+](https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/tla.html) or similar) for which we can check end-to-end...
After drafting each of its components, revise the [Typhon English Spec](https://specs.anoma.net/main/components/typhon.html) so all the components match up properly, and it is, in a sense, complete. Ideally, this would match up...
Properly describe chimera chains within the [typhon english language spec](https://specs.anoma.net/main/components/typhon.html). This means putting together consensus in multiple rounds, and connecting mempool, consensus, and execution layers. ## Prerequisites - [ ]...
Extend Heterogeneous Paxos from making a single decision to making multiple decisions, necessary to decide on successive blocks. In its simplest form, this can just run the single-decision mode over...
Develop a formal specification for the [execution engine](https://specs.anoma.net/main/components/typhon/execution.html) in [TLA+](https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/tla.html) or similar. This will involve some kind of assumptions about the Taiga API. Ideally this would match up with the...
Post to the Anoma blog a description of what we're trying to accomplish with Chimera Chains, and how those are supposed to work. ## Prerequisite - [ ] https://github.com/anoma/typhon/issues/48 -...
Building on the [english spec](https://specs.anoma.net/main/components/typhon/heterogeneous_paxos.html), and the [formal spec](https://github.com/anoma/typhon/blob/main/tla/HPaxos.tla) construct a prototype version of [Heterogeneous Paxos](https://isaacsheff.com/hetcons) in the [Stateright](https://github.com/stateright/stateright) framework. To begin with, we'll try to do a single instance...