busty icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
busty copied to clipboard

A bot for the Busty Discord server.


Busty is a bot for showcasing entries for music competitions hosted on Discord. Users can submit audio to a channel as file attachments. The bot can then list and queue all submitted audio, then play each media file sequentially in a Stage or Voice Call for all to hear. These shows are known as "busts".


  • Display all submitted media in a formatted list on command.
  • Support for displaying embedded artist and title tags.
  • Automatic pinning of track listing.
  • Configurable cooldown period between each song.
  • Display currently playing song as well as any text that was sent in the message.
  • Display a random emoji per song. The list of emoji can be configured.
  • Skip the currently playing song.
  • Role-based permissions for using bot commands.

Please see the issue list for planned features, or to suggest your own.


an example of listing tracks an example of a song playing


You'll need at least Python 3.6 and ffmpeg installed.

Create a python virtual environment to install python dependencies in.

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

And install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To install an additional set of python dependencies for speeding up the bot, install the nextcord[speed] package as well.You may need to install additional system packages.


You'll need to create a Discord app, and add a bot component. Ensure the bot has the "Server Members Intent" and "Message Content Intent" options enabled, otherwise the bot will not function correctly. Note that this will limit your bot to participating in 100 servers maximum, unless you verify your bot with Discord.

Copy the bot token, and ensure that the environment variable BUSTY_DISCORD_TOKEN contains the bot token when running the bot.

If you'd like automatic Google Form generation, you need a Google service account. You must also ensure a Google service account key file is pointed to by BUSTY_GOOGLE_AUTH_FILE, and that BUSTY_GOOGLE_FORM_FOLDER contains a valid Google Drive folder ID accessible by your service account. To find the ID of a Google Drive folder, navigate inside it in your web browser. The folder ID is the token at the end of the URL.

Finally, add the bot to your desired Discord server.

The complete list of environment variable configuration options is:

  1. BUSTY_DISCORD_TOKEN - Discord bot API token (required)
  2. BUSTY_GOOGLE_FORM_FOLDER - Google Drive folder ID for voting form (required for form generation)
  3. BUSTY_GOOGLE_AUTH_FILE - Google service account auth file (default = auth/service_key.json)
  4. BUSTY_COOLDOWN_SECS - Number of seconds between songs (default = 10)
  5. BUSTY_ATTACHMENT_DIR - Directory to save attachments (default = attachments)
  6. BUSTY_DJ_ROLE - Name of role with permissions to run commands (default = bangermeister)
  7. BUSTY_CUSTOM_EMOJI_FILEPATH - The Python module to import containing the emoji list (default = emoji_list)

A random emoji is displayed for each song played during a bust. The list of possible emoji is defined in emoji_list.py. If you would like to customize this list, simply copy the file, edit it, and set BUSTY_CUSTOM_EMOJI_FILEPATH to the import path (often simply the filename without an extension) of the new module.


With the proper environment variables set, start the bot with:

python src/main.py

It should connect to Discord and display the currently logged-in application name.


The expected flow for running a bust is:

  • Users submit songs into a channel.
  • All users join a voice channel or stage.
  • An admin runs !list to list all submitted songs and the order they will be played in.
  • An admin runs !bust to start the show. The bot will join the channel and begin playing songs in the order they were submitted.
  • Users comment on songs while they play.
  • An admin can run !skip at any time to skip the current song, or !stop to manually stop the show.
  • Once the last song has played, the bot will post a concluding message and leave the call.

Command Reference

  1. !list [<channel>] [full] - Download and list all media sent in the current text channel. Specifying a channel will cause songs to be pulled from that channel instead. This must be run before !bust. If the full flag is set or if the channel listed is the channel the command was sent in, list messages are pinned and a Google Form for voting is generated.
  2. !bust [<song #>] - Join the vc/stage that the user who ran this command is currently in, and plays the tracks in the channel in order. The user must be in a vc or stage for this to work. Specifying a song index will skip to that index before playing.
  3. !image [<url>] - Queue an image to be used in the Google Form generated when running !list. Run !image with no arguments for full usage information.
  4. !skip - Skips the current track :scream:
  5. !stop - Stop busting early :scream: :scream: :scream:

Users must have the bangermeister role to use commands by default, though this role can be modified by passing the BUSTY_DJ_ROLE environment variable.


If you'd like to help Busty in her quest, consider working on one of the currently open issues. Before you do, please double-check that a pull request for the issue does not already exist.

Installing the development dependencies

Some extra Python modules are necessary when developing for Busty. These are contained in the dev-requirements.txt file. To install them, run:

# Activate the virtualenv if not already done so
source env/bin/activate

# Install development dependencies
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Testing your changes

Busty does not currently feature any automated testing. Testing is carried out manually, typically in one's own test Discord guild.

Once you have implemented your change, please ensure that known commands, listing tracks and playing songs all work with your change. Pull requests are additionally tested by reviewers before merging them, but we're only human.


Once you have implemented your feature and tested that it works, you'll need to ensure your code is properly formatted. Running ./scripts-dev/lint.sh will check this for you and - in most cases - fix any style issues automatically.

Otherwise, some issues may need to be fixed manually. These will be printed when lint.sh is run. They must be fixed before your PR will be accepted. If you are unable to figure out how to appease the linter, simply post and mark your pull request as a draft and ask for help in a comment.