CS50-Final-Project copied to clipboard
This is a web app implemented using Flask and bootstrap that works like a mini stock exchange system.
Finance Tracker
Finance Tracker is a web app implemented using Flask and bootstrap that works like a mini stock exchange system. The following functionalities have been added to the app-
- Register: Any person can register to make a new account.
- Quote: A registered user can quote a price for a stock.
- Buy: Users can buy shares for a price.
- Index: To show the stocks in the user's account.
- Sell: Users can sell shares of a stock.
- History: User can see the past transaction history.
Project Demo
Tech Stack-
- Python
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy (Other dependancies can be found out in te requirements.txt file)
1] Star and clone the repository to your machine.
2] Run the command pip install -r requirements.txt
3] Once all the dependancies have been installed, run the command python Main.py
4] This should start a local server and you can access it on your browser.