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A flutter appliction listing all the widgets covered in Flutter widget of the week playlist.
Flutter Widget Guide
A flutter appliction listing all the widgets covered in Flutter widget of the week playlist
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I created this project to improve my skills with dart and flutter as a development platform. I am used to developing native android apps so I'll be focusing on designing this project for android platform. This project might help you to learn about Flutter if you are a beginner in this space. My experience with flutter has been great thus far. I hope you like it too. The project is developed in Dart language. All the files are listed in the /lib folder.
:star: the repo to show some :heart: and motivate me to work on the project :smiley:
Widget List
Safe Area |
Expanded |
Wrap |
Animated Container |
Opacity |
Future Builder |
Fade Transition |
Floating Action Button |
Page View |
Table |
Sliver App Bar |
Sliver List |
Sliver Grid |
Fade In Image |
Stream Builder |
Inherited Model |
- ClipRRect
Hero |
- Custom Paint
- Tooltip
- Fitted Box
- Layout Builder
- Absorb Pointer
- Transform
- Back Drop Filter
- Align
- Positioned
- Animated Builder
- Dismissible
- SizedBox Widget
- Value Listnable Builder
- Draggable
- AnimatedList
- Flexible
- MediaQuery
- Spacer
- InheritedWidget (coming soon)
- AnimatedIcon
- AspectRatio
- LimitedBox
- Placeholder
- RichText
- ReorderableListView
- AnimatedSwitcher
- AnimatedPositioned
- AnimatedPadding
- Indexed Stack
- Semantics
- ConstrainedBox
- Stack
- AnimatedOpacity
- FractionallySizedBox
- ListView
- ListTile
- Container
- SelectableText
- DataTable
- Slider
- AlertDialog
- AnimatedCrossFade
- DraggableScrollableSheet
- ColorFiltered
- ToggleButtons
- CupertinoActionSheet
- TweenAnimationBuilder
- Image
- Tab View
- Drawer
- SnackBar
ListWheelScrollView |
ShaderMask |
- NotificationListener
- Builder
- ClipPath
- ProgressIndicator
- Divider
- IgnorePointer
- CupertinoActivityIndicator
- ClipOval
- AnimatedWidget
- Padding
I'll try my best to keep the list in sync with the Youtube Playlist :thumbsup:
Additional Features
- Flutter webview implementation
- Youtube Video Player
- Firebase RemoteConfig
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Firebase AdMob
- View Code inside the app.
- Copy code or part of code.
- Dark Mode
Things to work on in the Future
- Save favourite widgets in "Favourites" section - Using SQFlite/Hive.
- Collection based view insted of a list - Change Home Page layout.
- Search functionality in list - Add "Search" action on Home Page.
- Mark your favourite widget - Firebase cloudstore functionality.
- Add Firebase Analytics to track screen views.
- Reduce app size by 25% or more.
App Screenshots
List of Widgets Explore a Widget Widget Video Source Code
Building the project
Some files might be missing from the project because of security reasons, as they contain key values. These are the steps you need to follow to build the project successfully.
1. Missing Key.Properties file
Please follow the following steps:
Step 1. Go to android > app > build.gradle
Now, Comment this line keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile)) Next,Comment everything inside signingConfigs and buildTypes It should look something like this -
//keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))
signingConfigs {
// release {
// keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
// keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
//storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
// storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
// }
buildTypes {
// release {
// TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build.
// Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works.
// signingConfig signingConfigs.release
// minifyEnabled false
// shrinkResources false
// useProguard true
// proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
// }
Step 2. Go to android > local.properties
Add following lines -
2. Missing google-services.json file
This file is used to add firebase services to the project. You might want to add your own file, or better yet, comment the code inside the project to remove the implementation. Go to home_page.dart file and comment out the code for firebase remote config to remove this error.
Learn more on Flutter
Official Flutter documentation Flutter widget list Flutter youtube channel
Created & maintained by
Annsh Singh (LinkedIn) (Play Store) (Twitter)
Contribution Guidelines
This project is a fully open source project, and contributions are welcome. Information on how to get started can be found at the contributor guide.
If you learned something from the source code of this project and want to thank me, you can support by buying me a cup of :coffee: or a :doughnut:
PayPal Google Pay (annsh29-1@okhdfcbank)
Copyright 2019 Annsh Singh
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.