@tjhei From the description of the new parameters, I gather this PR can also be useful for setups that use AMG but fail in the linear solve for a strict...
Ah great, that might help @elodie-kendall's models. A recent setup runs without nullspace removal for ~30 My, but fails with nullspace removal around 25 My. (As it's a quarter shell...
Hi @lhy11009 thank you for the PR. We're preparing a new ASPECT release, so the focus lies on PR's with bug fixes at the moment. But we'll make sure to...
If you click on Details of the failing tester, and then on View raw log after clicking the gear symbol, you'll see that these tests are failing: 2022-08-02T18:25:34.5470643Z The following...
Can someone else have a look at this as well?
Hi Elodie, can you please delete the lines I mention above and patch the test results? Then this is ready to go!
I see the snapshot is still created, can you also delete the other lines in the prm about the checkpointing?
Hi! Not sure why the astyle diff is empty, but the this diff: gives the changes that should be made. So the lines that were introduced last commit, should...
Hi @elodie-kendall I'm sorry but this PR now includes changes to rheology and material model files. Can you remove those?