pumpkin copied to clipboard
Clojure/conj 2014 demo
Demo from my Clojure/conj 2014 talk.
Deployed to heroku: pumpkin.
A sample dashboard demo written with Sente, Om, and data visualisation libraries D3.js and dimple.js.
It demonstrates how to connect Om and Sente to push new data to our client and how to create data vis components and make them interact with each other. Data visualised comes from GitHub stats of an open source project - no authorisation neccessary but there is an API limit of 60 resource requests per hour.
It's built on top of an awesome leiningen template chestnut - a real life saver!
Start a REPL (in a terminal: lein repl
, or from Emacs: open a
clj/cljs file in the project, then do M-x cider-jack-in
. Make sure
CIDER is up to date).
In the REPL do
The call to (run)
does two things, it starts the webserver at port
10555, and also the Figwheel server which takes care of live reloading
ClojureScript code and CSS. Give them some time to start.
When you see the line Successfully compiled "resources/public/pumpkin.js" in 15.509 seconds.
, you're ready to go. Browse to
and enjoy.
Deploying to Heroku
This assumes you have a
Heroku account, have installed the
Heroku toolbelt, and have done a
heroku login
git init
git add -A
git commit
heroku create
git push heroku master:master
heroku open
Running with Foreman
Heroku uses Foreman to run your
app, which uses the Procfile
in your repository to figure out which
server command to run. Heroku also compiles and runs your code with a
Leiningen "production" profile, instead of "dev". To locally simulate
what Heroku does you can do:
lein with-profile -dev,+production uberjar && foreman start
Now your app is running at http://localhost:5000 in production mode.
Copyright © 2014 Anna Pawlicka
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.