SwiftPing copied to clipboard
crash after multiple pings
The swift port of this pod crashes after multiple pings. However, I don't think the crash is related to the port. I think that the socket file descriptors are not being returned after use.
@hanssl I am using this library with 255 pings at 4th octect of local network, and I have never faced crash in this library. Could you please provide the details of pinged ips format.
@hanssl, I am seeing that you are using for loop, instead can you try to use enumeration like
[arrayOfIPs enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
[self startPinging:arrayOfIPs[idx]];
- (void) startPinging:(NSString*)ipAddress{
// ping ip here.