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Codes and data for porject Try-First


The following project is an implementation of the paper "CP-VTON: Toward Characteristic-Preserving Image-based Virtual Try-On Network" by B. Wang et al.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Implementation Details
  • Training Process
  • Installation


TryFirst is an interactive web-app which benefits users by allowing them to try-on a particular cloth to see how it suits them. Thus, allowing consumers to virtually try on clothes will not only enhance their shopping experience, transforming the way people shop for clothes, but also save cost for retailer.


  • Users can avail the option to try apparels virtually
  • Similarily, one can try face masks virtually
  • Size recommending model to solve queries regarding differennt size charts from different brands.


  • Pose Generation using openpose.
  • Parser are generated using SS-nan (opensource pre-trained model) .
  • Used Generative Adversarial Networks with Adversarial loss, perceptual loss and L1 loss for smoothening.
  • Used U-Net for generator and a downsampler for discriminator.

Training Process

  • The pose generated and parser and person image are concatenated along with and cloth imgae are fedded to GMM.
  • output of above is a warped cloth.
  • Now that concatenated image along with warped cloth is feeded to Gans.
  • Final output is image of person wearing desired cloth.
  • Final loss of generator on validation : 3.62001
  • Final loss of discriminator on validation :0.003821
  • Epochs Trained : 50
  • Optimizer : Ranger




Person representation extraction

The person representation used in this project are extracted by a 2D pose estimator and a human parser:

Download the Model files from the links provided below in the appropriate locations.

  1. TOM Model
  2. GMM Model
  3. Pose Vector Model
  4. Pose Parser Model

Download repository

$ git clone

After adding the models, run the following command:

  1. Installing all the pre-requisite libraries.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Executing model using streamlit script
streamlit run

To localhost the website:

To run the Web-App:


Screenshots From Website:



Size Predictor:

Mask the Face



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[7] WANG B., ZHENG H., LIANG X., CHEN Y., LIN L., YANG M.: Toward characteristic-preserving image-based virtual try-on network. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (2018).