Anki-Android icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Anki-Android copied to clipboard

AnkiDroid: Anki flashcards on Android. Your secret trick to achieve superhuman information retention.

Results 551 Anki-Android issues
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The text in the popup window that shows the sync status doesn't seem to be in proportion with the size of the popup. Though this is a minor issue, it...

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New Schema

###### Reproduction Steps 1. Click on + icon to create a new note (or open an existing note from card browser). 2. Select the tags option in the note editor....

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###### Reproduction Steps 1. Open the card browser. 2. Select the "filter by tag" option. ###### Expected Result The user is shown a list of existing tags to choose from....

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We need to start messaging the changes for translators in AnkiDroid (contributing, support etc) that Pontoon is a place to help with translations as well as Crowdin, _Originally posted by...

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Good First Issue!

###### Reproduction Steps 1. Have AnkiDroid in system language 2. Change language to a different one (in this case English) ###### Expected Result Language of the whole app is changed....

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This has better typing.

Waiting For Feedback

This improve typing. It's not ideal as this depends on the fact that when we import both java.utils.* and kotlin.collections.* the typing of kotlin is used to resolve the ambiguity....

This led me to realize some java.utils.FOO should be removed when FOO is also provided by Kotlin with better typing Fixes #11852

## Purpose / Description Updating FAB UI for more intuitive double tapping ## Fixes Fixes #11121 ## Approach 1. Removed all instances of `mAddNoteLayout` as we don't need that view...

Needs Review