Anki-Android icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Anki-Android copied to clipboard

[Bug] CI: Upload Emulator Screen Record Flaky

Open david-allison opened this issue 7 months ago • 3 comments

This shouldn't fail the job

Run actions/upload-artifact@v4
With the provided path, there will be 1 file uploaded
Artifact name is valid!
Root directory input is valid!
Beginning upload of artifact content to blob storage
Uploaded bytes 4010094
Finished uploading artifact content to blob storage!
SHA256 hash of uploaded artifact zip is aaba60c20020639a6811a304867e42c8a65bb8d37ebe1c7e7361[19](
Finalizing artifact upload
Error: Failed to FinalizeArtifact: Unable to make request: ECONNRESET
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david-allison avatar Jan 17 '24 18:01 david-allison