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[Kotlin Cleanup] CardBrowser pt4

Open dorrin-sot opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Continued From #11460

dorrin-sot avatar May 30 '22 17:05 dorrin-sot

Hello 👋, this PR has been opened for more than 2 months with no activity on it. If you think this is a mistake please comment and ping a maintainer to get this merged ASAP! Thanks for contributing! You have 7 days until this gets closed automatically

github-actions[bot] avatar Aug 10 '22 17:08 github-actions[bot]

Hi there @dorrin-sot! This is the OpenCollective Notice for PRs merged from 2022-08-01 through 2022-08-31

If you are interested in compensation for this work, the process with details is here:

We only post one comment per person per month to avoid spamming you, regardless of the number of PRs merged, but this note applies to all PRs merged for this month

Please note that GSoC contributions are okay for this process. Our philosophy is that our users have donated to AnkiDroid for all contributions. The only PRs that will not go through the OpenCollective process are ones directly related to am accepted GSoC project from a selected participant, since those receive a stipend from GSoC itself.

Please understand that our monthly budget is never guaranteed to cover all claims - the cap on payments-per-person may be lower, but we try to make our process as fair and transparent as possible, we just need your understanding.


github-actions[bot] avatar Oct 08 '22 23:10 github-actions[bot]