react-infinite-scroll-component copied to clipboard
【IMPORT FOR EVERYONE】HOW TO FIX:Don't load new items when content height <= screen height
This is a known and explicit issue, and the author is no longer maintained. It has also been mentioned in other issues how to fix it. ( #391 #380 ) If you don't intend to change other components or fork to fix bug, you can refer to my solution for fixing it.
import { useDebounceFn, useMount } from "ahooks";
export function useFixScroll(hasMore: boolean, fetchMore: () => void) {
// debounce is necessary
const fixFetch = useDebounceFn(
() => {
const firstLoaderItem = document.querySelector(".loader-item");
const scrollContainer = document.querySelector(".scroll-container");
if (!firstLoaderItem || !scrollContainer) {
if (
// only when user do not scroll content
// The loading will continue only when the loader element appears on the scroll-container.
scrollContainer.scrollTop === 0 &&
firstLoaderItem.getBoundingClientRect().top <
) {
// console.log("fixed");
wait: 500,
// useMount equals useEffect(()=>{doSomething();},[]);
useMount(() => {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === "childList") {
// console.log("Child nodes have been added or removed.");;
if (!hasMore) {
// scroll-items-container is the container for the items.
const targetNode = document.getElementById("scroll-items-container");
if (!targetNode) {
const config = { childList: true, subtree: false };
// console.log("start observe");
observer.observe(targetNode, config);
return () => {