Irina Borozan
Irina Borozan
The image is needed for an easier setup for FE devs. See as an example.
See as an example:
Currently an icon is displayed in the questions list, for the questions that have notes on them. Display the icon also in the question details screen. Also, in case the...
Log analytics events for the latest added screens: - view note - view visited stations Also log the send note event and also send the number of attached files.
See the new UI here: . An empty state placeholder for the polling station details screen in case the internet connection is poor and the counties list can't be...
Add to each note preview info about: - form code - question code - date & time not just date - question text preview Tapping a note from the list...
Send the firebase token on the login call. There is no need for two separate calls. Use the new login endpoint: `POST /api/v2/access/authorize` Send both login info & firebase related...
Use the newly added API v2 endpoints for updating polling-station-infos instead of v1 endpoints `polling-station` `POST api/v2/polling-station-info` `PUT api/v2/polling-station-info` Backend implemented in:
When the user taps on the section details, the questions from that section should be collapsed. TBD: should we show the number of completed questions from each section when questions...
When the user clicks on the change station button: - a dialog should show up asking them to fill in the leaving time for the polling station they are leaving...