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Proceedings of IEEE CVF. ICCV 2021 "Synthesis of Compositional Animations from Textual Descriptions."

Synthesis of Compositional Animations from Textual Descriptions (ICCV 2021)

[Paper], [Video]

Our code is tested on the following OS:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Windows 10



  • Python >= 3.6.10
  • Pytorch >= 1.5.1
  • conda >= 4.9.2 (optional but recommended)

All other pre-requisites are in the file environment.yml. Steps to install:

  1. Create the conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate text2motion
  1. Install pytorch following the official instructions.

  2. Install all other requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

We denote the base directory of our project as $BASE.


Download the KIT Motion-Language dataset and unzip the files in the $BASE/dataset/kit-mocap folder.

Running the code

  1. First, run: cd $BASE/src

  2. Preprocessing the data: python This will create quat.csv, fke.csv and rifke.csv files for each input data.

  3. Calculate the mean and variance for Z-Normalization: python dataProcessing/ -mask '[0]' -feats_kind rifke -dataset KITMocap -path2data ../dataset/kit-mocap -f_new 8 The outputs will be saved in $BASE/src/dataProcessing/meanVar.

  4. [Optional] Train the model: python -batch_size 32 -curriculum 0 -dataset KITMocap -early_stopping 1 -exp 1 -f_new 8 -feats_kind rifke -lr 0.001 -mask "[0]" -model hierarchical_twostream -cpk t2m -num_epochs 300 -path2data ../dataset/kit-mocap -render_list subsets/render_list -s2v 1 -save_dir save/model -tb 1 -time 32 -transforms "['zNorm']"

We also provide a pre-trained model here. To use it, extract the contents of the downloaded zip file inside the folder $BASE/src/save/model.

  1. Testing the trained model: python -load save/model/$weights where $weights is the pre-trained network parameters, saved as a .p file. The outputs are generated inside a folder $BASE/src/save/model/$OUTPUT created automatically.

  2. Calculating the error metrics:

python -load save/model/$weights
python -load save/model/$weights
python -load save/model/$weights
  1. Rendering the output files: python -dataset KITMocap -path2data ../dataset/kit-mocap -feats_kind rifke -clean_render 0 -save_dir save/model/$OUTPUT


This code is distributed under an MIT LICENSE.