见 目前是:白璧衆求**暇**,素絲易成汙。 估计是:白璧衆求**瑕**,素絲易成汙。 这样整句意义通顺。 在Google上搜索整句,前者只能找到一条,后者能找到若干条。 当然,不排除是诗人误用。 这个issue可以一直开着,不求立刻处理。
The test in #119 improved: ``` 0 0.000 10 0.005 20 0.011 30 0.017 40 0.024 50 0.028 60 0.034 70 0.043 80 0.051 90 0.055 100 0.058 ```
Please see CPython [issue41486]( It seems `python-zstandard` also has overhead of buffer resizing, but don’t know how big the impact is:
If the frame header will not be changed in the future, maybe `ZSTD_getFrameHeader()` function can be moved to stable API.