yes i can live with manually adding the urls to jdownloader, will check the worksarounds later, thank u.
hold on let me do a quick manual check
ok so i did a quick test comparing jd and idm and idm can get file/name but not year. jd can not get download file/name even when providing direct url...
use idm so u cant get the temp url and so u can anylize it, if u dont know let me know and i can share one
i dont think i know what u asking, i will do some more ts later
yes please a revamp might not be a bad idea
am relative new to xteve and iptv in general, but how would the channel failover work ? (it sounds like a nice thing to have since this way is just...
ok am waiting on this
> @aniel300 first thing don't raise issue in rclone forum teldrive it's not associated with official rclone delete it immediately sorry i dint mean to upset you and also i...
for which platform ? and why not music support ?