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Extreme 3D Face Reconstruction: Looking Past Occlusions

Results 14 extreme_3d_faces issues
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Scanning dependencies of target CvGl [ 7%] Building CXX object modules/CvGl/CMakeFiles/CvGl.dir/FBRender.cpp.o [ 14%] Linking CXX static library libCvGl.a [ 14%] Built target CvGl Scanning dependencies of target PoseExprLib [ 21%]...

Dear author, @anhttran For unknown reasons, my 3d reconstructed faces don't have fine details. this is an image shown in your paper: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29816816/169839402-b168ec70-389e-4063-b5ba-82ca96dbd7af.png) this is what I get by run...

Do you have a pure python version? Or can you provide the "TestBump" file?

Based on documentation, when I install extreme_3d_faces using the command: docker build -t extreme-3dmm-docker . I got 1/13 passed, 2/13 failed: Step 1/13 : FROM mxnet/python:1.1.0_nccl ... Step 2/13 :...

root@74a4066c1b48:/app/demoCode# python testBatchModel.py /shared/img_list.txt /shared/3d_output/ > Prepare image /shared/cute_boy.jpg: > Number of faces detected: 1 > CNN Model loaded to regress 3D Shape and Texture! > Loaded the Basel Face...

Hi, and thank you for making this code available. Is it possible to run in real time from a Webcam input? What fps could I expect from this? (without saving...

Would you like to [wrap any pointer data members](https://github.com/anhttran/extreme_3d_faces/blob/ce8ae8de17e591dd92c656304fe348bc8f7137fa/modules/PoseExpr/src/FImRenderer.cpp#L6 "Update candidate: FImRenderer class") with the class template “[std::unique_ptr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_pointer#unique_ptr "Description for the usage of smart pointers")”?

[An extra null pointer check is not needed](https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/freestore-mgmt#delete-handles-null "Do I need to check for null before delete p?") like in [the function “FImRenderer::loadPLYFile”](https://github.com/anhttran/extreme_3d_faces/blob/ce8ae8de17e591dd92c656304fe348bc8f7137fa/modules/PoseExpr/src/FImRenderer.cpp#L27 "Update candidate").

file: ./modules/PoseExpr/src/FaceServices2.cpp needs to work with newer API SubDiv2D as legacy module has been discontinued in opencv3.