Computer vision

Results 56 comments of Computer vision

Mobilenetv1 is correct, but V2 is wrong

@1996scarlet 用webcam试了一下,我有一张照片和stalin的相似度高达99%:)

Hi, Mr.Wang, Thanks a lot for your quick response and the information you provided. I have looked through the source code of faceverification.cpp, there was no specific code for DeepID,...

I have downloaded LightenedCNN_B.caffemodel from Xiang Wu's project website and want to have a try, but how about the "weights" which defined in faceverification.cpp? is there a default or optimized...

I modified the run_verification.bat as follow: FaceVerfication.exe --gpu=0 --model=CASIA_train_test.prototxt --weights=LightenedCNN_B.caffemodel pause when I run this bat, I got these errors: I0124 09:41:13.860607 7600 layer_factory.hpp:76] Creating layer memory_data I0124 09:41:13.861608 7600...

Hi, Mr.Wang, Thanks a lot for your answer. The face detection/alignment is not a problem as I am also familiar with Dlib and OpenCV, however, I am a totally beginner...

Hi, Mr,Wang, Thanks you very much for all the information you provided. Is the detection algorithms or DeepID from CUHK open sourced and commercial friendly? if not, I will prefer...

For the face detection, do you have plan to replace DLib with ccv( Dlib is really slow, especially on HD(e.g.1080P) images, and you have to pyramid_up before detection the face,...

