Andreas Gullberg Larsen
Andreas Gullberg Larsen
I've removed most packages I feel I can live without. The remaining are mostly about syntax highlighting and prettifying tools, so I don't think they should interfere. By the way,...
No worries, thanks for looking into this. I like your plugin, great work!
@maiermic I'm getting `Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'react-hot'` when trying your workaround. I have copied the config exactly. Any ideas?
Apologies, installing `react-hot-loader` to the latest version 1.3.0 fixed it.
Hi, this feels too domain specific for UnitsNet, sorry. It is a balance, but we generally try to only bring in units that are widely used and preferably across multiple...
@Jay-o-Way Hi, it could be, but since there is some integration on PowerToys side parsing human input and calling into UnitsNet, it would be helpful to get a short summary...
UnitsNet offers no capability for complex parsing or disambiguating, this would be up to each application as it stands today. I would take a look at how others solve this:...
Bump on this, I believe this still blocks us from upgrading from 6.x to 7.x
Still relevant