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Should we infer @Optional based on argument type?

Open matanlurey opened this issue 7 years ago • 5 comments

Had a nice discussion today, why do we even have @Optional?

class Animal {
  Animal(@Optional() Ecosystem ecosystem);

... since Dart has this already, in both positional and named arguments:

class Animal {
  Animal([Ecosystem ecosystem]);
class Animal {
  Animal({Ecosystem ecosystem});

It seems safe to say we could infer all optional parameters as @Optional(), and remove this key word entirely. Two potential wrinkles though that need further discussion:

  1. How do we treat named arguments annotated with @required?
  2. How do we treat named or positional optional arguments with default values?


class Animal {
  Animal({@required Ecosystem ecosystem});

My intuition here is to treat this as required (not optional).

class Animal {
  Animal({Ecosystem ecosystem: const DefaultEcosystem()};

My intuition here is to either:

a. Ignore and do not support for DI b. Try to use the same "reviving" logic we use for useValue:

new Animal(ecosystem: injector.getOptional(Ecosystem) ?? const DefaultEcosystem())

A final question is whether we need something like @ignore. My intuition is no.

matanlurey avatar Jul 24 '17 23:07 matanlurey

I think the optional named/unnamed parameters change is likely a much bigger change, and not in scope for 5.x unless we are very motivated (it would require re-ordering parameters in client code). I think that rolling it our incrementally as an optional feature for ^5.1.0 is more likely. Ideas:

class A {
  A(B b, [C c]);

... other names, also welcome :)

matanlurey avatar Apr 13 '18 17:04 matanlurey

I'd be okay with simply ignoring @required or perhaps warning users it won't be honored.

I see the annotation's purpose as a way of using named parameters to make your functions self-documenting at their call-site. But with Angular, users are almost never exposed to the call-sites of component constructors, so it loses its purpose.

I'm in favor of using the same reviving logic to use the default values when injection fails.

leonsenft avatar Apr 13 '18 17:04 leonsenft

We could even choose to only support unnamed optional parameters to avoid the issue of @required, based on the same argument that named parameters are self-documenting at call-sites, which again don't matter in our case.

leonsenft avatar Apr 13 '18 17:04 leonsenft

@leonsenft Luckily we don't support named arguments at all (, so we can skip that for now.

matanlurey avatar Apr 13 '18 17:04 matanlurey

Accepted, but we'll do this >=5.1 <6.0.

matanlurey avatar Apr 13 '18 18:04 matanlurey