angular icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
angular copied to clipboard

Outputs may unexpectedly collide with a native event

Open matanlurey opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

During our internal code-lab, a new user hit the following issue:

// thumbs.dart
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:angular/angular.dart';

  selector: 'thumbs-change',
  template: r'''
    <button (click)="onClick">Click</button>
class ThumbsComponent {
  final _onChange = new StreamController<ThumbsChangeEvent>();

  Stream<ThumbsChangeEvent> get change =>;

  void onClick() {
    _onChange.add(new ThumbsChangeEvent());

class ThumbsChangeEvent {}
// results.dart
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';

import 'thumbs.dart';

  selector: 'search-results',
  template: r'''
    <thumbs-change (change)="onChange"></thumbs-change>
  directives: [ThumbsComponent],
class SearchResultsComponent {
  void onChange(ThumbsChangeEvent e) {


... for whatever reason, (change) binds to a native event listener, resulting in:

Assertion Error: (ThumbsChangeEvent) => void is not an (Event) => void

We might consider:

  • [ ] Documenting that certain event names are reserved or at least, not preferred
  • [ ] Making it a warning (and eventually error) to override a native event name
  • [ ] Fixing this case to correctly bind to the @Output() change event, not native event

matanlurey avatar Aug 13 '18 19:08 matanlurey

Oh no...

matanlurey avatar Aug 14 '18 21:08 matanlurey

We could also require labeling native events.

matanlurey avatar Oct 09 '18 21:10 matanlurey