protractor copied to clipboard
WebDriverError: unknown error: cannot determine loading status from unknown error: unhandled inspector error: {"code":-32000,"message":"Inspected target navigated or closed"}
Hi! We started experiencing this problem on latest chrome browser versions
WebDriverError: unknown error: cannot determine loading status
from unknown error: unhandled inspector error: {"code":-32000,"message":"Inspected target navigated or closed"}
(Session info: chrome=78.0.3904.87)
at Object.throwDecodedError (/Users/allamudruk/Projects/support-site-frontend/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:550:15)
at parseHttpResponse (/Users/allamudruk/Projects/support-site-frontend/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:542:13)
at Executor.execute (/Users/allamudruk/Projects/support-site-frontend/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:468:26)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
- Node Version:
- Protractor Version:
- Angular Version: ``
- Browser(s):
- Operating System and Version
macOS Mojave 10.14.6
module.exports = {
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
build: 'cucumber-js-browserstack',
framework: 'custom',
frameworkPath: require.resolve('protractor-cucumber-framework'),
specs: ['../tests/features/*.feature'],
cucumberOpts: {
require: ['../tests/step_definitions/*.js', '../tests/features/support/*.js'],
tags: false,
profile: false,
'no-source': true,
format: ['json:tests/report/cucumber-report.json', 'rerun:protractor_output/rerun.txt'],
theme: 'bootstrap',
jsonFile: path.resolve('tests/report/cucumber-report.json'),
output: path.resolve('tests/report/cucumber-report.html'),
reportSuiteAsScenarios: true,
launchReport: true,
onPrepare: async () => {
await browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false);
Before({timeout: TIMEOUT}, async () => {
await browser.driver.get(`${browser.logoutUrl}/logout?continue=${browser.baseUrl}`);
await browser.wait(protractor.ExpectedConditions.urlContains(`${browser.baseUrl}/`), 20000);
await browser.driver.get(browser.baseUrl);
await browser.driver.manage().addCookie({
name: 'abcdef',
value: 'true',
domain: '.com',
It almost always fails on first page load or login step
await formPage.goto()
await loginPage.addUsername(freeUsername);
await loginPage.addUserPassword(password);
return await loginPage.clickLoginButton();
async goto() {
return await browser.get(this.url, this.timeout.xl);
async addUsername(username) {
await this.waitForElementAvailable(this.usernameField, this.timeout.l);
await this.usernameField.clear();
return await this.usernameField.sendKeys(username);
async addUserPassword(password) {
await this.waitForElementAvailable(this.passwordField, this.timeout.l);
await this.passwordField.clear();
return await this.passwordField.sendKeys(password);
async clickLoginButton() {
await this.waitForElementAvailable(this.loginButton, this.timeout.l);
return await;
async clickElement(locator) {
await browser.executeScript('document.activeElement.blur();');
return await
async promise => {
return promise;
async err => {
console.log('Element is not clickable at point. Other element would receive the click');
Have you had any update regarding this, as we are experiencing the same problem intermittently, having updated to the latest Chrome Browser version (78.0.3904.97).
I am having the IDENTICAL issue and am unable to resolve.
Was anyone able to resolve the issue, I have been facing it since 4 days
I had this issue sometimes 3 weeks ago, but now not any more. I remember that an Iframe seems to have been the reason, which I had to look in and did not succeed, because it was in a way not there yet, the loading has slowed down. Because waiting for the iframe to get visible, caused also an error (this or a different; i do not remember) I let my browser sleep for a second, and then wait in a loop for visibility of the iframe and then go on.
I am getting this error only when I execute my test cases using Jenkins. One more strange things is, error is not consistent. It fails test cases randomly.
Let me know if you found a solution already.
Would be fixed in chromedriver 80. Use 76 it should resolve this problem
Facing this same issue on v79. Any update?
I'm also facing same issue. Any help ?
I'm also facing this issue with v79, however sometimes it works. Not sure what the cause for this is
Having this issue in v80 - it happens about 25% of the time when I navigate to a page that does a redirect. Anyone have a workaround? Catching the error and retrying doesn't work.
This is fixed in v81.
Issue 3252: Getting org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: cannot determine loading status
Chrome v81 will be stable on April 7th. To overcome this issue, i built a custom chrome driver.
I am still having this issue using chrome version 81. This is the error i get when running my automated tests:
- Failed: unknown error: cannot determine loading status from target frame detached (Session info: chrome=81.0.4044.92)
However, there have been some occasions where this does not occur and I am able to interact with the iframe (i.e. sendKeys to element) but most of the time it throws the above error. I can't seem to find anything out there to resolve this issue. HELP NEEDED please! Even if someone could just explain the issue to me from what they know about it. Thanks
This is how i am able to workaround this issue while switching frame.
this.fn_SwitchToMainFrame = async () => { let success = false; let count = 0, max_tries = 40; while (!success && count++ < max_tries) { try { await browser.driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); await browser.driver.switchTo().frame(await browser.driver.findElement(by.xpath("//frame[@name="mainframe"]"))); success = true; } catch (e) { console.log('fn_SwitchToMainFrame ' + e); } if (success) { await browser.driver.sleep(500); break; } } if (!success) { console.log('Wasn't't successful after 40 retries'); } };
When I am on a page I run the below to switch focus to the iframe:
//browser actions here
After clicking a button on the first iframe, it opens another iframe attached to the DOM, so now to interact with this new iframe I run: (note - that the first iframe is still open behind this new iframe)
At this point everything works perfectly fine, so on the second iframe, I log into an account, one successful log in, the iframe is automatically closed and I can see the first iframe again. At this point I run the below code to interact with the first iframe again:
element(by.css("input[placeholder='Type an address and press enter...'")).sendKeys('fake address');
This is when i receive the error message below:
- Failed: unknown error: cannot determine loading status from target frame detached (Session info: chrome=81.0.4044.92)
Hi all, I'm expecting the same issue after upgrading the Chrome browser and webdriver to the latest version. Now a lot of automation tests are failing... For me, it occurs when I'm working with frames and performing any actions there: trying to fill some textbox or click a button. Please assist!
Do we have any update about the issue, I'm getting the same error with the chrome 81.0.4044.122
any update on this? I am facing the same issue
Did that add_argument resolve the issue for you @Bgirish0 ?