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Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular

Results 743 components issues
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### What are you trying to do? I've application written in angularJs and as we all know angularJs is no more supported now. So planning to upgrade current app incrementally,...

needs triage

### Is this a regression? - [X] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was 7...

needs triage

**Feature Description** The possibility to control the year range in a multi-year view in the mat-datepicker in Angular Material 7. **What is the current behavior?** Currently the default range of...

area: material/datepicker

#### Reproduction 1. Click the "emitEvent: false" button #### Expected Behavior `valueChanges` should not emit values when setting a value with `emitEvent: false` This works correctly for "normal" input...

needs: discussion
area: material/datepicker

#### Reproduction Use StackBlitz to reproduce your issue: []( Steps to reproduce: 1. Using a mat-form-field with mat-chip-list and an input. 2. Declare the [matChipInputSeparatorKeyCodes]="separatorKeysCodes", with separatorKeysCodes: number[] = [ENTER,...

area: material/chips

#### Bug, feature request, or proposal: When a sidenav is used "inside" router-outlet, it seems there is a memory leak. When the router-outlet is inside the sidenav, there is no...

has pr
area: material/sidenav

#### Bug, feature request, or proposal: Feature request / proposal #### What is the expected behavior? Assuming the following: **TS** ```typescript options = [{name: 'One'}, {name: 'Two'}]; text: string; ```...

needs discussion
area: material/autocomplete

### Feature Description I would like to request for adding support for type="file" for MatInput. So currently Angular material does not have a file chooser meaning I have to use...

needs triage

#### What is the expected behavior? I'm trying to use the `mat-radio-button` inside an HTML table (agreed, the form is a bit stange). It's an array of data, for each...

area: material/radio