components icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
components copied to clipboard

bug(MAT-ICON): aria-disabled="false" is not set anymore (version >= 17.1.0)

Open B34v0n opened this issue 3 months ago • 5 comments

Is this a regression?

  • [X] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version

The previous version in which this bug was not present was



For active a-tags with mat-icon-buttons there was the label aria-disabled="false" set. It won't be set anymore for every Version >= 17.1.0.


stackblitz won't run my code, I don't know why. It cannot install the dependencies. That's why I created a github repo: . On the main branch, there is a working example with 17.0.6 and on the branch update-to-17.3.1 there is exactly the same, but with updated dependecies.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add a mat-icon-button like so: <a mat-icon-button><mat-icon>save</mat-icon></a>
  2. Inspect in Console, there is no aria-disabled="false" set in the a-tag (version >= 17.1.0)
  3. In 17.0.6 it is still set

Expected Behavior

The attribute aria-disabled="false" should be set for active a-Tags.

Actual Behavior

The attribute aria-disabled="false" is not set for active a-Tags.


  • Angular: 17.3.1
  • CDK/Material: 17.3.1
  • Browser(s): Chrome
  • Operating System (e.g. Windows, macOS, Ubuntu): Windows

B34v0n avatar Mar 25 '24 12:03 B34v0n

This seems like it could be related to

wagnermaciel avatar Mar 27 '24 15:03 wagnermaciel

Hello folks,

From Icon accessibility instructions,

...mat-icon is marked as aria-hidden="true" by default, but this can be overridden by adding aria-hidden="false" to the element.

Does adding aria-hidden="false" resolve the issue for you?

Best Regards,


zarend avatar Mar 29 '24 18:03 zarend

Hi @zarend, It has nothing to do with hidden, it's about disabled. So sadly, that does not resolve the issue.

B34v0n avatar Apr 08 '24 11:04 B34v0n

Hi @wagnermaciel, yes, it seems like it absolutely has to do something with your mentioned issue.

I found this part:, where the aria-disabled is set to the disabled attribute to String (so 'true' or 'false').

Now it's set to _getDisabledAttribute(), which returns null or true. Can you say, if that is on purpose, that the aria-disabled is set like that and it can not be set to false anymore? or was that kind of a mistake?

I myself think, it is important to set aria-disabled='false' because of accessibility.

B34v0n avatar Apr 08 '24 12:04 B34v0n

Hello @B34v0n ,

Thank you for clarifying. I'm not sure I understand the problem statement. I don't think that MatIcon is intended to be interactive. Since they're not interactive, I don't see why aria-disabled needs to be in play here.

Best Regards,


zarend avatar Apr 15 '24 16:04 zarend