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feat(bottom-sheet): Access container instance elementRef

Open ibrahimgabsi opened this issue 3 months ago • 0 comments

Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request?



Consider this service:


  providedIn: 'root',
export class MyBottomSheetService {
  private bottomSheet = inject(MatBottomSheet);

  private bottomSheetRef?: MatBottomSheetRef;

  open(templateRef: TemplateRef<unknown>): void {
     this.bottomSheetRef =;

This service opens bottom sheets with dynamic content using the given template. Once it's opened, we want to access to mat bottom sheet container or its DOM content using the bottomSheetRef in order to execute a generic behavior based in the projected content.

Proposed solution

bottomSheetRef returned by the open() method gives access to containerInstance property.

Convert elementRef of containerInstance from private to public property.

Alternatives considered

No alternatives considered...

ibrahimgabsi avatar Mar 12 '24 10:03 ibrahimgabsi