ui-tinymce copied to clipboard
Custom configuration from scope variable not working
When I use an actual scope to insert the configuration options for uiTinymceConfig in tinymceOptions and it doesn't work unless I put the object INLINE in the directive. Anyone else seeing this? I'm using Angular 1.2.26 and my options are being fed in on instantiation of the directive, but I can confirm that it's not being parsed.
This line doesn't eval right away with my inputted in values. If I put a $timeout of 100ms around it, it then evaluates correctly.
Anyone else having this issue? I need to add a color picker and other stuff here, but I don't see a working example of this functionality, just sample code.
I have the same problem. I'm using default configuration (set using angular.value('uiTinymceConfig') but I need to overwrite it in one case.
Same issue. It seems to be due to the fact that in certain situations the attribute for uiTinymce options doesn't eval immediately, the current code looks like this:
expression = {};
angular.extend(expression, scope.$eval(attrs.uiTinymce));
options = {
//predefined options
// extend options with initial uiTinymceConfig and
// options from directive attribute value
angular.extend(options, uiTinymceConfig, expression);
// Wrapped in $timeout due to $tinymce:refresh implementation, requires
// element to be present in DOM before instantiating editor when
// re-rendering directive
$timeout(function() {
So when the above $timeout method is fired "options" won't contain your custom options as "expression" has already been evaluated as undefined.
The workaround that seems to work for my case: move the $eval and extend calls into the $timeout also.
expression = {};
options = {
//predefined options
// Wrapped in $timeout due to $tinymce:refresh implementation, requires
// element to be present in DOM before instantiating editor when
// re-rendering directive
$timeout(function() {
angular.extend(expression, scope.$eval(attrs.uiTinymce));
angular.extend(options, uiTinymceConfig, expression);
I have this issue as well, +1 for fix.
As a short term solution for people having this issue, you can wrap the usage of ui-tinymce in a parent element which has an ng-if watching the scope variable which contains your options.
Not a good solution but a short term hack...
I was hit by this too. My own options, set in the scope, was not applied. Adding an ng-if="tinymceOptions" to the tag with the ui-tinymce would make my options work. But when doing that, the text I entered into tinyMce editor, would not get back to the model, it would keep on remembering the initial value.
But placing the two angular.extend(..) calls inside $timeout() as suggested by https://github.com/sato-sh earlier in this thread, seems to fix the problem. I cannot, however, see if there is any side-effects by this.
Im still having this issue... using ui-tinymce 0.16 trying to set the options inside my directive
angular.module('lcms.directive').directive('tinyMce', function() {
return {
scope: {
ngModel: '=ngModel',
name: '@name',
uploadUrl: '@uploadUrl',
options: '=options'
require: 'ngModel',
replace: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
if (!scope.uploadUrl) {
scope.uploadUrl = '/images/blog/';
scope.tinymceOptions = {
//optinos here
template: '<div ui-tinymce="tinymceOptions" class="tinymce"></div>',
any idea what Im doing wrong?
tried with ng-if and did not help, also added timeout and nothing