ui-leaflet copied to clipboard
leafletDataHelper.getLayers returning old data
From @rikbosch on March 31, 2015 11:52
I'm trying to adjust the map's bounds to the bounds of a featureGroup.
However, when retrieving the bounds of the group, it contains no marker layers.
I'm calling the following function after setting the markers in the $scope object:
$scope.layers = {
baselayers: {},
overlays: {
primary: {
type: 'featureGroup',
name: 'Primary Lines',
visible: true
secundary: {
type: 'featureGroup',
name: 'secundary',
visible: false
$scope.markers = {};
.then(function(data) {
$scope.markers = mapMarkers(data.lines);
function fitToLayer(name) {
.then(function(map) {
.then(function(layers) {
var layer = layers.overlays[name]; //<== layer has no markers defined
map.fitBounds(layer.getBounds()); //<==throws error 'lat' undefined
function mapMarkers(lines) {
return lines.map(function(line) {
return {
layer: 'primary',
lat: line.x,
lng: line.y,
key: line.id
the full error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'lat' of undefined
at Object.L.LatLngBounds.getNorth (leaflet-src.js:1336)
at Object.L.LatLngBounds.getNorthWest (leaflet-src.js:1316)
at L.Map.L.Class.extend.getBoundsZoom (leaflet-src.js:1887)
at L.Map.L.Class.extend.fitBounds (leaflet-src.js:1635)
at main.controller.js:95
at processQueue (angular.js:13248)
at angular.js:13264
at Scope.$get.Scope.$eval (angular.js:14466)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$digest (angular.js:14282)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$apply (angular.js:14571)
Copied from original issue: tombatossals/angular-leaflet-directive#668
From @jessertaylor on March 31, 2015 12:0
have you tried dumping layer.getBounds()?
Was there ever a solution to this issue? Believe I'm seeing the same error.
I am interesting to can access also to layer data. How can i used the leafletData tool ? In fact i would like to can acces to 'eachLayer' method of my gesojson layer to can modify my marker on a external action. as here : http://gis.stackexchange.com/a/133325