ui-grid icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ui-grid copied to clipboard

Grid not rendering until manual browser re-sizing

Open csmiller34 opened this issue 10 years ago • 29 comments

When first loading a page, the following text is displayed rather than the grid: before

By resizing the browser a couple of pixels (horizontally or vertically), the grid refreshes to display properly: after


  • The presence or absence of ui-selection does not appear to make a difference.
  • The behavior is the same in Chrome and Firefox (couldn't test IE)
  • Version 3.0.0-rc.16

Here is the grid invocation:

Here are the grid config settings:

$scope.gridResearchOptions = {
      enableColumnResizing: true,
      enableGridMenu: true,
      enableRowHeaderSelection: true,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enableSelectAll: true,
      multiSelect: true,
      modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false,
      noUnselect: false,
      resizable: true,
      columnDefs: [
      data:  [ {

csmiller34 avatar Nov 21 '14 20:11 csmiller34

Are you providing the data directly in line, rather than it being retrieved from a server? I wonder whether that's resulting in the data turning up before the grid is ready for it (which would be a defect at the grid end).

Could you perhaps:

  1. Try providing the data inside a $timeout - so perhaps wait 10ms then provide the data. That would tell us if it's the data being provided inline that's the problem
  2. Provide a plunker of this, based off one of the tutorials? That would make diagnosis easier

PaulL1 avatar Nov 21 '14 23:11 PaulL1

Thanks for the reply, Paul.

I'm working on screen mock-ups at the moment, so the data is just coming from a script.

The page itself has a number of ui-select elements on it (it's a research page). I tried commenting out some of the ui-select elements and was able to see the grid loading.

Not sure what the threshold of ui-select elements is... I'll experiment a bit and try to provide a plunker.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Paul [email protected] wrote:

Are you providing the data directly in line, rather than it being retrieved from a server? I wonder whether that's resulting in the data turning up before the grid is ready for it (which would be a defect at the grid end).

Could you perhaps:

  1. Try providing the data inside a $timeout - so perhaps wait 10ms then provide the data. That would tell us if it's the data being provided inline that's the problem
  2. Provide a plunker of this, based off one of the tutorials? That would make diagnosis easier

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/angular-ui/ng-grid/issues/2195#issuecomment-64054619.

csmiller34 avatar Nov 24 '14 13:11 csmiller34

No further updates for a few weeks, assuming issue is resolved and closing.

PaulL1 avatar Jan 29 '15 23:01 PaulL1

I have the same issue:

screen shot 2015-08-12 at 12 04 35

It's not consistent and seems to be a timing issue. Added a timeout between configuration an setting data (which is in my case very fast as it's a result cached by the browser) and this resolved the issue.

Would be great if this could be fixed!

eburi avatar Aug 12 '15 10:08 eburi

Sorry, forgot the version From bower.json: "dependencies": { "jquery": "~2.1.1", "bootstrap": "~3.3.4", "angular-animate": "~1.4", "angular-cookies": "~1.4", "angular-touch": "~1.4", "angular-sanitize": "~1.4", "angular-resource": "~1.4", "angular-bootstrap": "0.13.x", "angular": "~1.4", "angular-ui-grid": "~3.0.1", "fuse": "~1.2.2", "angular-translate": "~2.7", "angular-translate-loader-url": "~2.7", "angular-modal-service": "~0.6.7", "angular-local-storage": "~0.2.2", "airbrake-js-client": "~0.5.0", "angular-route": "~1.4.3" }, "devDependencies": { "angular-mocks": "~1.4" }, "resolutions": { "angular": "~1.4.x" }

eburi avatar Aug 12 '15 10:08 eburi

Just updated to 3.0.3 - same issue

eburi avatar Aug 12 '15 10:08 eburi


I am also having the same issue and loading less than 10 records. Data from server does not show unless browser is resized or data is loaded a second time. Happens in all browsers, Chrome, Firefox and IE. Works fine if loaded from a java script array variable. Is there a command that will force the grid to refresh or render?

zBestData avatar Aug 28 '15 15:08 zBestData

Found a workaround based on this site by using setTimeout after making the ajax call. http://jimhoskins.com/2012/12/17/angularjs-and-apply.html

This bug is a deal breaker for the end users and needs to be addressed. My fix is posted below:

        $scope.LoadGrid = function (id) {
            var params = { billingID: id };
            ajaxCall("/InvoiceDetails.aspx/LoadDetails", params).done(function (data) {                    
                $scope.gridOptions.data = JSON.parse(data.d);
                $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs[0].editDropdownOptionsArray = $scope.optionsList;
            setTimeout(function () {
                $scope.$apply(function () {
            }, 800);

zBestData avatar Aug 28 '15 18:08 zBestData

You would probably use handleWindowResize, not notifyDataChange.

Are you able to provide a plunker? This never happens on the tutorials that I'm aware of.

PaulL1 avatar Aug 28 '15 19:08 PaulL1

I upgraded to 3.0.5, still same issue.

My fix:

    return $scope.resource.query(queryOptions).$promise.then(function(data) {
        $scope.gridOptions.data = data;
        $scope.loading = false;
        return $timeout(1);
      .then(function() {

eburi avatar Sep 02 '15 12:09 eburi

Hi eburi,

Are you able to tell us where the code for the fix was placed or where it should go in the code?

silicon-simit avatar Jul 12 '16 13:07 silicon-simit

I upgraded to 3.2.5, I have the same issue.

boubech avatar Aug 05 '16 09:08 boubech

Try adding ui-grid-auto-resize, it worked for me.

<div ui-grid="options" ui-grid-auto-resize ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-move-columns></div>

akosidoctor26 avatar Aug 29 '16 23:08 akosidoctor26

Try adding a fixed width to the table. The data will be rendered without resizing.

abhinavsayan avatar Dec 28 '16 10:12 abhinavsayan

@abhinavsayan is right that not having a fixed width is the problem. I recommend that every comrade in the world restrict all grids to 100 pixels wide forever no matter what the content or device since we all know that fixed sizes are the way to go - we must conform to have every web page on the Internet look exactly alike - individualism must not exist - why would anyone want a dynamically sized or responsive website? (sarcasm intended)

blakecausey avatar Apr 17 '17 07:04 blakecausey

Still have this issue on v4.0.4


After resizing,


kensplanet avatar Jun 29 '17 00:06 kensplanet

Did anyone resolve this issue? I'm trying and couldn't resolve with setTimeout solution

odravison avatar Aug 04 '17 14:08 odravison

Solved with 'ui-grid-auto-resize'.

ottorato avatar Sep 19 '17 16:09 ottorato

Coincidentally opened this issue and today is 3rd anniversary 😄

rkmagnificent avatar Nov 22 '17 08:11 rkmagnificent

eburi's timeout + manual window resize solved it for me. The system I fixed this for already used ui-grid-auto-resize.

StewartSweet avatar Mar 13 '18 18:03 StewartSweet

Leaving a note that I do not get this issue in 4.0.7, but I get it in 4.4.9

Very clear reproduction steps in my case,

  1. Click 'refresh' icon above grid (triggers below set) I have a refresh sets gridData undefined , ng-show triggers, off, gridData gets set, ng-show triggers on,
  2. get picture like @eburi

switch to 4.0.7, isn't there.

I also like to note that scrollbar in 4.0.7 doesn't appear where in 4.4.9 it shows but as disabled (when not needed or uigridconstant even set)

JLuitjens avatar May 04 '18 14:05 JLuitjens

Hmm, I believe that is because we are defaulting scrollbar to always show. Perhaps we need to change the default for scrollbar to be WHEN_NEEDED.

mportuga avatar May 07 '18 18:05 mportuga

@mportuga I was wondering if the scrollbar is the cause, but it may be a red herring, I haven't had the time to go through the versions to figure out which one is causing it and what is the case of it...

Now that I think about it, with cell-nav enabled... when the grid in the new versions > 4.0.7 untested, shows the scrollbars always as disabled, the cellnav probably bugs out when you use the arrows keys on the grid towards the bottom of the grid when the scrollbar is disabled but shown now?

When I say 'bugs out', meaning that the scrollbar doesn't scroll to the bottom when cellnav reaches the last row (so current cellnav is off the visual user display) and that is because of the offset not being calculated

Anyways that's a new issue unless you can reference that somewhere, I'll need to test and get issue up here.

JLuitjens avatar May 08 '18 23:05 JLuitjens

Don't know about scrollbar, but certain is that in version v4.1.3 it works fine for me, and when updating to v4.4.11 - I get the same unwanted behaviour.

First launch it renders just fine, but when going back to the old state with grid, it doesn't, unless I interact with it.


st3pbyst3p avatar May 24 '18 13:05 st3pbyst3p

It seems like the problem is in the new version of uiGridAutoResize directive.

The fix for me was to override it with the old version of the same directive, which looks like that:

module.directive('uiGridAutoResize', ['gridUtil', function(gridUtil) { return { require: 'uiGrid', scope: false, link: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { var timeout = null;

    var debounce = function(width, height) {
      if (timeout !== null) {
      timeout = setTimeout(function() {
        uiGridCtrl.grid.gridWidth = width;
        uiGridCtrl.grid.gridHeight = height;
        timeout = null;
      }, 400);

      function() {
        return gridUtil.elementWidth($elm);
      function() {
        return gridUtil.elementHeight($elm);
    ], function(newValues, oldValues, scope) {
      if (!angular.equals(newValues, oldValues)) {
        debounce(newValues[0], newValues[1]);


st3pbyst3p avatar May 25 '18 14:05 st3pbyst3p

any fix is available for this ?

akhilmekkatt avatar Jul 08 '18 14:07 akhilmekkatt

I've now tried

  1. Setting a static width of the div (works but is useless for production)
  2. Removing the ui-grid-auto-resize directive
  3. using a setTimeout to load in data
  4. calling gridAPI.core.refresh

I'm assuming handleWindowResize only sets the event listener, rather than the desired behavior of calling the internal that 're-renders'

this.test = () => {
      this.$timeout(() => {
        console.log('this fires but nothing happens');
        }, 1000);

SensationSama avatar Aug 24 '18 19:08 SensationSama

I have used $scope.$apply() right after receiving my data. works perfectly

tedwards44 avatar Nov 28 '18 10:11 tedwards44

I am experiencing same kind of issue when using bootstrap tabs.

Everything was fine with uiGridAutoResize in 3.11 then when upgrading to 4.8.3 I have this issue.

I think the watchCollection inside uiGridAutoResize is not fired fast enough where in 3.11 it was a check every 250ms

phyzalis avatar Apr 17 '20 06:04 phyzalis