ui-calendar copied to clipboard
A complete AngularJS directive for the Arshaw FullCalendar.
Client code can define hooks for fullCalendar in the options that can be called during initialization. For example if a caller specifies "viewRender" and inside viewRender they would like to...
In the view, this : `` show an empty calendar but that (with `$scope.eventSources=[] in the controller`): `` shows nothing (I can see the ngModel required error, though). What do...
How do you set the calendars current view date dynamically from controller. I want to be able to click a day in the month view and auto switch to that...
I implemented all the steps, but my events info coming from API are not getting displayed on calendar. following is my stackover issue link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41320309/events-not-showing-up-in-anglular-ui-calender
the component works, but i can't reach the fullCalendar object. my html: `` in my controller: ` vm.uiConfig = { calendar:{ lang: 'en', height: 450, editable: false, allDaySlot: false, defaultView:...
I have a resource view calendar; I would like my slots to start at 0 for any duration of the calendar. This only works however when duration is a multiple...
I have created the agenda with resource, but it don't work, why? ``` var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.calendar', 'ui.bootstrap']); myApp.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function ($scope, $timeout) { $scope.n = 100; /*...
`$scope.calendarConfig = { calendar: { allDaySlot: false, timezone: 'local', editable: true, lang: 'de', eventOrder: "-title", height: 650, header: { left: 'title', center: 'Custom text', right: 'today prev,next' }, eventClick: $scope.eventClick,...
How can i create multiple calendars dynamic? Events is not the same. For example on click button create div and make it calendar
Is it possible to have the calendar go back to the current month, without pressing the arrow button?
Let me illustrate the situation. 1. The user goes back to the previous month by clicking the left arrow button. 2. The user clicks one of the events in the...