ui-calendar copied to clipboard
Not working with webpack
When used with webpack via npm it complains about not finding fullCalendar. This is due to fullCalendar not being a dependency within the package.json. Can this be fixed please for all the people who use npm over bower?
@MikaAK Have you tried installed 'fullcalendar' package via npm? I'm using webpack too and trying to make the UI Calendar work... but I got 'moment is not defined' error (I've install moment and angularMoment before). Any idea for this?
@simon-nguyen yes if you go via that route you must include moment and fullcalendar into scripts-loader
@MikaAK Thanks for the suggestion. I did npm-install --save script-loader
and inside my webpack.config.js
I put
module.exports: {
Now I've got a new error
> webpack-dev-server.cmd --content-base src/client --history-api-fallback --hot --inline
$.fn.fullCalendar = function(options) {
TypeError: Cannot set property 'fullCalendar' of undefined
at path-to-app\node_modules\fullcalendar\dist\fullcalendar.js:25:1
at $.fullCalendar.version (path-to-app\node_modules\fullcalendar\d
at Object.<anonymous> (path-to-app\node_modules\fullcalendar\dist\
at Module._compile (module.js:435:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12)
at Module.require (module.js:366:17)
at require (module.js:385:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (...app\webpack.config.js:10:1)
Could you help me with it? Much appreciation!
@simon-nguyen You must include jquery with script-loader as well. All things to do with this and moment will need to be put through script-loader due to this. It's not super friendly!
+1 please add full calendar as an npm dependency
@MikaAK Thank you so much for your reply... Sadly, I have to move to Angular Bootstrap Calendar, it's more friendly and easy to use for my case.
npm please, I'm refactoring a big app with webpack and es6, this is not cool to do it, please please, npm npm :)
@blackendstudios I've forked the repo and added the nessisary requires if you wanna use that till they support this. https://github.com/MikaAK/ui-calendar. In your package.json put 'angular-ui-calendar': 'mikaak/ui-calendar'
@MikaAK mmmmm I saw that momment, fullcalendar and jquery are in npm, if I install them, then I would need to make it work just with the ui-calendar? ... why too much trouble to make it compatible with npm, is too much to get it work?
seriously, too much trouble to make this on npm??? wow
Have someone got this to work with npm and webpack? Seams no matter what I do I only get "scope.calendar.fullCalendar is not a function".
I am trying to use this in a angular component from angular 1.5
@cybercomkvint I forked it and we use the fork successfully at work see Here
Hi, I have this working happily with webpack, here's my setup.
"dependencies": {
"angular-ui-calendar": "^1.0.2",
"fullcalendar": "^3.0.0",
"jquery": "~2.1.4",
"moment": "~2.15.0",
plugins: [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: "jquery",
"window.jQuery": "jquery",
"moment": "moment"
var angular = require('angular');
.module('my-calendar-view', [ 'ui.calendar' ])
@phdesign this should be on the official documentation!
Acctually this directive should be updated, so it works correctly with webpack.
Using ES6 working as a charm as well
import angular from 'angular';
import fullcalendar from 'fullcalendar';
import uicalendar from 'angular-ui-calendar';
angular.module('calendar-view', ['ui.calendar'])