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Previous and next month events

Open nielvrom opened this issue 9 years ago • 7 comments

I'm wondering if there aren't any events are triggered when the next or previous button of month is pushed.

The problem now is that I have a click function in a directive but I can't use the received data from my directive in my main controller ...

nielvrom avatar Sep 22 '15 15:09 nielvrom

I was search for something like that, but now I'm using the viewRender event

$scope.uiConfig = {
          calendar: {
            viewRender: function (view, element) {
                 // do your code here

eduardonunesp avatar Mar 10 '16 14:03 eduardonunesp

Hi, i have a issue when click in prev or next month (change months). Fullcalendar not render the remote events. Render only the static events.

var date = new Date();
var d = date.getDate();
var m = date.getMonth();
var y = date.getFullYear();
$scope.events = [
    {title: 'All Day Event',start: new Date(y, m, 1)},
    {title: 'Long Event',start: new Date(y, m, d - 5),end: new Date(y, m, d - 2)},
    {id: 999,title: 'Repeating Event',start: new Date(y, m, d - 3, 16, 0),allDay: false},
    {id: 999,title: 'Repeating Event',start: new Date(y, m, d + 4, 16, 0),allDay: false},
    {title: 'Birthday Party',start: new Date(y, m, d + 1, 19, 0),end: new Date(y, m, d + 1, 22, 30),allDay: false},
    {title: 'Click for Google',start: new Date(y, m, 28),end: new Date(y, m, 29),url: 'http://google.com/'}
$scope.eventSources = [$scope.events];
$http.get(ENV.apiEndpoint + '/events.json').then(function(res){
    angular.forEach(res.data, function ( value, key ) {
            id: value._id.$oid,
            title: value.title,
            start: new Date(value.start), 
            end:  new Date(value.end),
            color: value.color

Someone help me with this problem?

claudiotrindade avatar May 09 '16 21:05 claudiotrindade

I got around this issue with the below code. Before add new item in list, i remove all and insert again.

<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources" calendar="myCalendar"></div>

$scope.changeView = function (view, element) {

$scope.uiConfig = {
                lang: 'pt-br',
                defaultTimedEventDuration: '01:00:00',
                slotDuration: '00:30:00',
                handleWindowResize: true,
                height: $(window).height() - 200,
                defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
                header: {
                    left: 'prev, next today',
                    center: 'title',
                    right: 'month, agendaWeek, agendaDay'
                editable: true,
                viewRender: $scope.changeView

emirdeliz avatar May 13 '16 11:05 emirdeliz

You need to put push stick: true into $scope.events array. Like:

$http.get(ENV.apiEndpoint + '/events.json').then(function(res){
    angular.forEach(res.data, function ( value, key ) {
            id: value._id.$oid,
            title: value.title,
            start: new Date(value.start), 
            end:  new Date(value.end),
            color: value.color,
            stick: true

hardikpanseriya avatar May 20 '16 10:05 hardikpanseriya


I want the number of month on prev/next change events.

pbpraveen1988 avatar Jul 12 '17 15:07 pbpraveen1988

@hardikpanseriya, It works for me :)

regalsingh avatar Sep 28 '17 19:09 regalsingh

To load the data from the http services as in case of anagularJS, we can use the following method.The data loads from the service on click of next and prev buttons

$scope.uiConfig = {
		calendar: {
			height: 450,
			editable: true,
			header: {
				left: 'title',
				center: '',
				right: 'today prev,next'
			eventClick: $scope.alertOnEventClick,
			eventDrop: $scope.alertOnDrop,
			eventResize: $scope.alertOnResize,
			eventRender: $scope.eventRender,
			viewRender: $scope.loadEvents

$scope.loadEvents = function (view, element, $scope) { console.log("View Changed: ", view.visStart, view.visEnd, view.start, view.end); $scope.events = getEventsFromApi(view.start.format(), view.end.format()); }

VinuthaShreyas avatar Sep 12 '18 07:09 VinuthaShreyas