AngularJS-sublime-package icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AngularJS-sublime-package copied to clipboard

AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search, and more.

Results 17 AngularJS-sublime-package issues
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Eror loading syntax file "Packages/AngularJS/AngularJS.tmLanguage" : Apparent recursion within a with_prototype action: 25000 context sanity limit hit

Is this possible? (I created a custom sublime-completions file for HTML entities for example and & doesn't trigger them even though I removed it from the word separators characters, also...

I saw a similar issue but it didn't solve my problem. Details of my case below, is there any additional setting missing? Thanks sublime 3, jade plugin: ![Image of...

Even though Global Context completions are working, Context specific completions like `angular, $http, $animate` etc.... are not working. I'm using Sublime 3. No other package is installed now in my...

After I install the AngularJS package I am not getting completion hints for my 'normal' variables anymore. Please compare the two screenshots below. IMO I should be getting a hint...

Type "$http.(ctrl+space)" does not show anything. Sublime ver: build 3126 Thanks.

The AngularJS package is presenting some rather out-of-context completions for me. This screenshot was taken in a php file (scope: source.php) and the autocompletions suggestions appeared right efter I typed...

**Current Value** ``` angular.controller('name', ['$scope,$meteor', function($scope,$meteor){ ... }]); ``` **Expected Value** ``` angular.controller('name', ['$scope','$meteor', function($scope,$meteor){ ... }]); ```

While using the JavaScript Next syntax, my code completion would no longer work for any angular objects beginning with '$'. (example: $httpBackend) I finally deduced the issue to the fact...

Hello. I have autocomplete enabled, I index my project, but I only get as suggestions the controllers declared inside the angular core libraries, I don't get the one I just...