ngx-slider copied to clipboard
IOS drag after click is not setting the value
Description of the problem After click on the slide bar, the dot move to this position, if you drag without release from this position the dot will follow you, but after release will return to the initial position.
Envitonment Only can be reproduced on IOS Native application.
IOS 14 (embeded with cordova) -> FAIL Andorid native (embeded with cordova) -> OK Brwoser Chrome -> OK Browser Safari (on MAC)-> OK Browser Safari (on IOS Device) -> OK
Steps to reproduce it Initial state:
- Slider from 0 to 100.
- Slider value 25.
- Press on the possition 75 (the dot will move here)
- Dragg to 50 (the dot will follow you)
- Release finger.
Expected: The dot and the value will be 50.
Issue: The dot return to 75 position.
Source code:
<!-- component.html -->
<ngx-slider [(value)]="value" [options]="options"></ngx-slider>
// component.ts
value = 25;
options: Options = {
floor: 0,
ceil: 100,
Video of the problem
Same issue reported on Safari on Iphone 14 Pro Max Ios 16.5.1(c)
Is there any news about this issue?
@alx1417 were you able to fix this issue?