mootools-autocompleter copied to clipboard
This AutoCompleter script for MooTools (by Harald Kirschner - provides the functionality for text suggestion and completion. It features different data-so...
AutoCompleter (v1.1)
Credit: Harald Kirschner -
Updated to work with MooTools 1.4.5 (with/without compatibility) by Jo Carter (angelsk on github) and partikule (on github)
This AutoCompleter script for MooTools provides the functionality for text suggestion and completion. It features different data-sources (local, JSON or XML), a variety of user interactions, custom formatting, multiple selection, animations and much more.
See Docs folder of project
- Local Tag - Autocompleted tags in input fields and textareas, controlled by keyboard and mouse.
- Local - Countries Token array is filtered on client-side, not requested from the server.
- HTML Request
- JSON Request
- Use local data or Ajax request (JSON or XHTML) as data source.
- Look and feel like the OS, visitors can use it without problems.
- Intuitive navigation with mouse and keyboard.
- Customizable behaviour with a lot of options and events.
- Minimal effects to avoid noise in the workflow.
How to use
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
new Autocompleter.Request.JSON('fe-searchuser', '/query_user.php', {
'postVar': 'search'
Your XHTML markup, no additional elements needed:
<input type="text" name="search" id="fe-search"/>
And the example PHP for the database query:
// query_user.php
$search = $_POST['search'];
$result = array();
// Some simple validation
if (is_string($search) && strlen($search) > 2 && strlen($search) < 64)
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', $user, $pass);
// Building the query
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM users WHERE name LIKE ?");
// The % as wildcard
if ($stmt->execute(array($search . '%') ) )
// Filling the results with usernames
while (($row = $stmt->fetch() ) )
$result[] = $row['name'];
// Finally the JSON, including the correct content-type
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($result); // see NOTE!
NOTE: (If you are scared of the PHP 5 example) PHP 5 is not needed, this is just an example! There are classes and native solutions for all languages, more information is available here: (List at the bottom of the page)
The response for a "Har" search would look like:
Aaron Newton wrote some documentation for CNET Clientside, describing the Options, Events and some public methods:
External Autocompleter Documentation - NOTE: This site is no longer available
MooTools JavaScript Framework
Download MooTools 1.4.5 Core with at least these modules:
- Element.Dimensions
- Fx.Tween
- Request.HTML (for HTML requests)
- Request.JSON (for JSON requests)
- DomReady (facultative)
- Selectors (facultative)
1.1.5 (2013-04-09) - by Jo Carter (angelsk on github)
Updated to fully work with Mootools 1.4.5 (without need of compat. mode)
1.1.4 (2013-01-03) - from
Updated to Mootools 1.4.5 (without need of compat. mode)
1.1.3 (2012-05-16) - by Jo Carter (angelsk on github)
- Working with MooTools 1.4.5
- Fixed: Problem with null strings
- Added: spinner.gif for progress indicator to main styles
1.1.2 (2008-08-19)
- Added: Option indicator for Autocompleter.Ajax, element is shown during request.
- Added: Option indicatorClass, class-name is added during request to input.
- Added: Option visibleChoices (default true), to scroll hidden choices into view
- Added: Option emptyChoices, called instead of hideChoices when tokens are empty.
- Fixed: Fixed filter loops on RegExp::test for Opera.
- Fixed: Element::getSelectedRange returns correct positions for textareas in IE.
- Fixed: Selected item resets correctly.
- Fixed: Update can now also handle tokens as Hash, length check fixed.
- Changed: BREAKING CHANGE (incl. Compatibility)! Naming conventions following MooTools 1.2
- Autocompleter.Base to Autocompleter
- Autocompleter.Ajax to Autocompleter.Request
- Autocompleter.Ajax.Json/Xhtml to Autocompleter.Request.JSON/HTML
- Changed: BREAKING CHANGE (incl. Compatibility)! Extracted Local and Request from Autocompleter.js
- Changed: Removed Element::getOffsetParent, included in MooTools 1.2
- Changed: Element::getCaretPosition renamed to Element::getSelectedRange
- Changed: Added JSON and HTML Request showcases.
1.1.1 (2008-04-27)
- Fixed: Removed orphaned trash events and added destroy for fix overlay.
- Fixed: Added missing addChoiceEvents call to default injectChoice in Autocompleter.Ajax.Xhtml to add mouse events.
1.1 (2008-03-28)
- Added: Support for tagging, multiple entries with configurable parsers (allowing commas, spaces …)
- Added: Option selectMode for different select behaviours
- Added: Option overflow for scrolling through more suggestions
- Added: Options filter, filterCase and filterSubset, for easier locale usage, better query marks and to prepare caching feature
- Added: Option autoSubmit to automatically submit the form on enter.
- Added: Option forceSelect to allow select-box behaviour
- Added: Option typeAhead for fast and simple suggestions (works best with forceSelect)
- Changed: Updated to MooTools 1.2 dev
- Changed: New Events for a better widget control
- Fixed: Selection behaviour works a lot better, also for tagging
- … and more fixes
1.0.4 (2007-05-23)
- Fixed: Fix for & that has the Event::code of key-up (only for keypress event)
- Changed: Added overflown option to the options object and more clean-up’s
1.0.3 (2007-05-20)
- Official release with support for local, JSON and HTML responses
All files are © 2008-2009 by Harald Kirschner and available under the MIT License.
Contact & Discussion
For asking questions, requesting features, filing bugs or contributing other thoughts on this project use the support forum below. Before posting a new question, read through the documentation and the contributed notes for an answer. For problem reports make sure to add enough details like browser, version and a link or the relevant code.